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Author Topic: Which major sports do you consider relevant in the US?  (Read 22304 times)
Dave Gray
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« Reply #60 on: July 05, 2011, 06:01:56 pm »

I was going off of the 2009 figures, as that's what I had.  Also, there is an EA MMA game that you're discounting, if you're going to count the 2010 figures.  Though not specifically UFC, I think it still applies.

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« Reply #61 on: July 05, 2011, 07:10:08 pm »

EA MMA sold 390k copies.

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« Reply #62 on: July 05, 2011, 07:19:41 pm »

I'm not sure what these numbers indicate... EA spews out a new NFL game every year (as does 2K) and unless you're a DIE HARD fan, you're not going to buy what's basically the same game EVERY year.
Dave Gray
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« Reply #63 on: July 06, 2011, 10:32:05 am »

^ They don't prove anything.  It's just some info to add to the debate.

For what it's worth, I don't think the UFC games selling better means much of anything, except that it is more popular in the younger demographic.

Also, someone brought up an interesting point to me yesterday....what is the popularity of MMA vs. hockey in non-NHL areas?

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« Reply #64 on: July 06, 2011, 12:09:19 pm »

I read recently that NYS Legislature, again, is not allowing MMA/UFC fights in the state, so I'm sure this has some effect on attendance since thay can't hold a fight in Madison Square Garden.  Not sure what other states don't allow it.  Also, MMA/UFC is really still in its infancy compared to NHL hockey that has been around for decades.
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« Reply #65 on: July 06, 2011, 10:26:16 pm »

How many hockey movies have come out recently?  What was the last one anyway, The Mighty Ducks?

There have been some recent MMA movies.  Or even movies including MMA stars.  A-Team and Expendables come to mind.  You might have heard of those low-budget indy flicks.  Wink

Not that this point really settles anything, more like an example of popularity. 
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« Reply #66 on: July 07, 2011, 09:37:42 am »

How many hockey movies have come out recently?  What was the last one anyway, The Mighty Ducks?

I'd say Miracle is likely the most recent with any buzz.
YJFF Member
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« Reply #67 on: July 07, 2011, 09:46:51 am »

Could someone please name a movie about MMA or UFC? Not a movie that has one of their athletes in it...but a movie whose subject is MMA or UFC.

I really can't think of a single one.


"There's no such thing as objectivity. We're all just interpreting signals from the universe and trying to make sense of them. Dim, shaky, weak, staticky little signals that only hint at the complexity of a universe that we cannot begin to comprehend."
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Brian Fein
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« Reply #68 on: July 07, 2011, 09:52:57 am »

^^ Never Back Down. 

I actually saw this movie.  Not sure if its about MMA or about just fighting, but it seems like its about MMA-style fighting.

It was a terrible movie, and I'm ashamed that I know about it.
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« Reply #69 on: July 07, 2011, 10:16:49 am »

^^^ By title alone, I'd have guessed it was a Steven Seagal flick... Wink

Any MMA or UFC movies that someone who doesn't watch MMA or UFC may have heard of?

A few quality hockey movies off the top of my head:

* Miracle
* Slap Shot
* The Mighty Ducks
* Mystery, Alaska


"There's no such thing as objectivity. We're all just interpreting signals from the universe and trying to make sense of them. Dim, shaky, weak, staticky little signals that only hint at the complexity of a universe that we cannot begin to comprehend."
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Dave Gray
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« Reply #70 on: July 07, 2011, 10:45:54 am »

There were a few MMA movies released in the last few years.  I remember seeing them advertised.  But, you can also go back and count stuff like Bloodsport or a few of the other Van Damme movies.

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Brian Fein
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« Reply #71 on: July 07, 2011, 11:14:21 am »

Yeah, and the Karate Kid.  That counts, too, right?

FWIW, Stroke, I don't watch MMA but I have heard of this movie, only because I watch a crap-ton of movies.
YJFF Member
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« Reply #72 on: July 07, 2011, 11:20:38 am »

I've seen Bloodsport a couple of times a long time ago...but don't remember it being about MMA or UFC. Since the movie predates UFC by a good 4 or 5 years, I'm not sure it qualifies. Are you counting all martial arts movies as being about MMA/UFC?


"There's no such thing as objectivity. We're all just interpreting signals from the universe and trying to make sense of them. Dim, shaky, weak, staticky little signals that only hint at the complexity of a universe that we cannot begin to comprehend."
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Dave Gray
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« Reply #73 on: July 07, 2011, 11:22:49 am »

Bloodsport isn't specifically about UFC, just like the Mighty Ducks isn't about the NHL.  However, it is about a mixed martial arts tournament.  I believe the very idea of the UFC came from the ideas put forth in bloodsport -- "can a karate guy beat a judo guy beat a wrestler, etc."

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YJFF Member
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« Reply #74 on: July 07, 2011, 11:25:56 am »

I can accept Bloodsport as being MMA-related, I guess, but I have to put my foot down on The Karate Kid. If that gets counted, hockey-related movies should be expanded to include every film that contains ice. Wink


"There's no such thing as objectivity. We're all just interpreting signals from the universe and trying to make sense of them. Dim, shaky, weak, staticky little signals that only hint at the complexity of a universe that we cannot begin to comprehend."
~ Micah Leggat
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