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Author Topic: Dolphins Power Rankings debate: Skip vs Stephen A  (Read 2934 times)
Uber Member
Posts: 1567

« Reply #15 on: December 12, 2011, 02:01:02 pm »

Skip Bayless is a jackass and that "sports" channel that promotes is a bunch of jackasses as well.  it makes for good television I guess.

this is the same channel that allows for Mr "Your With Me Leather" Berman to provide "objective" commentary on the NFL and other sports-related games.

Berman oughta just wear his "I hate the Dolphins" T-shirt every week.

Anyways, back to the discussion at hand.  Stephen A is right-on-the-money!  When it counted, Sparano did not get it done, and I believe his record in the 1st 2-months is something subpar .300.

It's too bad that Ireland is not going down with the ship like Captain Sparano is doing.  Ireland's evaluation of players if horrendous, I do a better job.  I will say that Sparano is a players' coach and is loyal to a fault.  

You got to fire Ireland.....who do you think brought in all those ex-Cowboys that suck left hind teet?Huh?

I'd rather be lucky than good.
YJFF Member
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Posts: 11007

2011 NFC East Champions!

« Reply #16 on: December 12, 2011, 02:13:20 pm »

There is a funny scene in "A Football Life: Bill Belichick" on NFL network.

The Pats were preparing for an upcoming game vs. Miami in 2009. In the meeting room, Belichick showed a clip of Tony Sparano in the locker room (obviously after a Dolphins win, from the clip - and after researching it, after beating the NYJ in NY for 3-0 in the AFC East at the time) and he was all jacked up like a High-School Cheerleader (it was actually kind of embarrassing). He then said "this division STILL runs through us". Belichick repeated that sentence to his players.

The Result:

MIA: 17
NE: 27

(Coincidentally they would beat NE 22-21 later in the year - but Miami finished 7-9 while the Pats finished 10-6)

Tony Sparano - Player's Coach, Losing Coach

Giants: '56 NFL Champs; Super Bowl XXI, XXV, XLII Champs
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Posts: 8391

« Reply #17 on: December 12, 2011, 02:33:39 pm »

Um... Ok? Guess you didn't read any part of my post that said I think they were fairly ranked at 22, that I agreed with the ranking, and that I gave reasons for why the teams ahead of them actually should be ahead of them. Before they got drummed this weekend. That's not hindsight. That's "I told you so." -EK
I read your post and it was a nice prediction that Miami would get torched by Philly, but if anything I think what you should have said if you really did predict things was that Philly didn't deserve their #24 ranking. They had dropped from #18 the previous week and with Vick coming back they played a lot more like the Philly that everyone expected from the beginning of the year rather than a #24 ranked team.

The way I see it, Miami DROPPED to #22 (or maybe below) because of what happened in the game and Philly ROSE to probably #18 (or maybe higher) because of how they played. That doesn't mean that Miami was #22 before the game, nor that Philly was #18. The rankings are based on what has been observed lately, not on what you believe will happen in the future. Future results do not effect the currect ranking and current results do not effect the past rankings.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2011, 03:17:20 pm by Pappy13 » Logged

That which does not kill me...gives me XP.
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