when New England destroys them in Foxboro all of Tebow's apologists will just claim they lost to a Superbowl contender in the Pats in their stadium. Had it not been for Tebow they would have never made it that far to begin with.
Assuming that happens. And I hope it does. Then both those statements would be true. 1. The game will be played in Foxboro and the Patriots as the #1 seed in the AFC has to be considered a superbowl contender.
2. They would never have gotten to the playoffs w/o Tebow. With Orton they were 1-4, with Tebow they were 7-4. While neither Tebow nor Matt Moore are in the same class of QB as Brady, they do share this with him. All three took over a losing team and made it significantly better. Bledsoe 0-2, Brady 11-3, Orton 1-4, Tebow 7-4, Henne 0-4 Moore 6-6. If you only change one player and the team starts winning, then there is something good about that player or bad about the ex-starter.