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Author Topic: Joe Paterno in grave condition  (Read 14643 times)
« on: January 21, 2012, 09:57:35 pm »

Apparently he's in the final stages of cancer and from what I'm reading, has only a few days to live.  He was a great coach and a great leader of men.  Too bad this recent scandal will have people thinking of him differently.

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« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2012, 12:32:50 am »

I think it's the scandal that killed him.

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« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2012, 11:43:10 pm »

I think it's the scandal that killed him.

Not the scandal that killed him as he was battling cancer, but it sure hastened his death.  He probably lost his will to live once football was taken from him.   

Reminds me of what happened to a legendary Alabama coach back in the 80's
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« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2012, 01:36:14 am »

^^^This has been said over and over since he was fired.  I said it too.  It happened to Bryant.  It happened to JoePa.  Crazy how once you're passion for something is gone, you can just let yourself die.  It can't be a coincidence right? 
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« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2012, 08:51:40 am »

"Will to live" would not have saved him from the cancer he had.  Mr. Paterno would have suffered the same fate right around now regardless whether this scandal had ever broken. 

Lung cancer + 85 year old body = not a favorable result.

His "ending" has little to nothing to do with him being fired.  His "ending" had everything to do with his medical cause of death, one which would be the cause of death for a 45 year old man, much less an 85 year old.  He had cancer to the lungs with rumors mets to the blood, liver, brain and other organs.

He didn't die of a broken heart as some of you are suggesting.  He might have died with a heavy one, but not OF one.

Now, that said:  I hope he did have a heavy heart.  I do not wish to speak ill of the dead.  I do not wish to "sweep aside" all of the good that the man did in his life.  However, Mr. Paterno also did a lot of injustice in his life.  For that he paid a steep price - a valid price.  I think it's important for people to not forget this just because he died.  Young men's lives are forever tainted and ruined, cycles begun and more generations of abuse begun, because Paterno's legacy was more important than these trouble kids.

When speaking of Joe Paterno, may the man rest in peace, make sure you include ALL of it. 

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« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2012, 09:13:27 am »

I heard a recording of his side where he said he really wished he would have done more and really regrets not doing so. He said that it was all pretty strange to him and that's why he went to the top. Nothing like that had ever happened around him and he confessed he really didn't know how to handle it.

I wasn't a huge Paterno fan. Especially when the last several years it seemed pretty obvious he was getting token wins. With that said I have repsect for him and can honestly say I don't know what I would have done that many years ago. It's things coming out like this today that makes it easier for everyone to step forward and hold people accountable. I don't think it was always this easy.

It's kind of like when Eddie Murphy talked about how blacks today say they wouldn't have ever been slaves and he reminds them it isn't like they had a choice.  It's really hard to put yourself in someone's elses shoes to begin with let alone during completely different social times.

From what people around him say he was generally a good man. I hope that is true. Either way I hope he is resting in peace today!

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« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2012, 09:57:27 am »

"Will to live" would not have saved him from the cancer he had.  Mr. Paterno would have suffered the same fate right around now regardless whether this scandal had ever broken. 

Lung cancer + 85 year old body = not a favorable result.

His "ending" has little to nothing to do with him being fired.  His "ending" had everything to do with his medical cause of death, one which would be the cause of death for a 45 year old man, much less an 85 year old.  He had cancer to the lungs with rumors mets to the blood, liver, brain and other organs.

He didn't die of a broken heart as some of you are suggesting.  He might have died with a heavy one, but not OF one.

Now, that said:  I hope he did have a heavy heart.  I do not wish to speak ill of the dead.  I do not wish to "sweep aside" all of the good that the man did in his life.  However, Mr. Paterno also did a lot of injustice in his life.  For that he paid a steep price - a valid price.  I think it's important for people to not forget this just because he died.  Young men's lives are forever tainted and ruined, cycles begun and more generations of abuse begun, because Paterno's legacy was more important than these trouble kids.

When speaking of Joe Paterno, may the man rest in peace, make sure you include ALL of it. 

Are you implying that stress does not have a compounding effect on medical conditions- especially cancer? -EK
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« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2012, 10:46:18 am »

^^^ I think what he is saying if Joe was a dead man walking with his illness.

I thought long and hard on this while watching ESPN during the day. I think Joe could have done more, but I agree with stopping short of being the person to contact the police. Joe did not have any evidence and I don't agree with involving law enforcement on rumors. I probably would have taken the young graduate asssitant and walked him into the police station myself. Given him the support he needed to tell them what he saw. I think that would have gone a long way and would have been the correct decision. Did Joe make a mistake in his handling of the situation, I think he did. Did he do many good/great things in other situations, I think he did.

In the end, the man was human. RIP Joe.
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« Reply #8 on: January 23, 2012, 12:13:26 pm »

I heard a recording of his side where he said he really wished he would have done more and really regrets not doing so. He said that it was all pretty strange to him and that's why he went to the top. Nothing like that had ever happened around him and he confessed he really didn't know how to handle it.

I wasn't a huge Paterno fan. Especially when the last several years it seemed pretty obvious he was getting token wins. With that said I have repsect for him and can honestly say I don't know what I would have done that many years ago. It's things coming out like this today that makes it easier for everyone to step forward and hold people accountable. I don't think it was always this easy.

It's kind of like when Eddie Murphy talked about how blacks today say they wouldn't have ever been slaves and he reminds them it isn't like they had a choice.  It's really hard to put yourself in someone's elses shoes to begin with let alone during completely different social times.

From what people around him say he was generally a good man. I hope that is true. Either way I hope he is resting in peace today!

Well said.  It's easy to sit back and "Monday Morning QB" this issue when you are a couple years down the road, AND you have the availability of several other sources.  Paterno didn't perform these horrific acts, Paterno didn't witness the acts, Paterno didn't try to cover it up.  What Paterno did was receive a second hand accusation,  about someone who didn't work for him, and which he promptly reported to his superiors.
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« Reply #9 on: January 23, 2012, 12:18:18 pm »

^^^ I think what he is saying if Joe was a dead man walking with his illness.
Thank you.

In the end, the man was human. RIP Joe.

Exactly true.

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« Reply #10 on: January 23, 2012, 02:18:21 pm »

RIP JoePa........ Cry

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« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2012, 07:45:20 am »

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« Reply #12 on: January 16, 2015, 03:10:59 pm »

Joe Paterno once again has the most College wins, as the NCAA is restoring his 111 victories.
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« Reply #13 on: January 16, 2015, 03:38:26 pm »

I don't think they should've restored those wins.  Those 10 year old boys didn't get their rape restored.

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« Reply #14 on: January 16, 2015, 04:05:26 pm »

I don't think they should've restored those wins.  Those 10 year old boys didn't get their rape restored.

...and Paterno didn't rape any boys.


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