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Author Topic: Attn: Republicans  (Read 7043 times)
Uber Member
Posts: 2915

« Reply #30 on: March 10, 2012, 07:36:42 am »

I think, though the party has catered to the far right, that this talk of identity crises and lack of vision is overblown.  I remember the same being said of the Democrats before a young, charismatic senator named Barack Obama stepped into the light.  The Republicans lack a candidate.

"under wandering stars I've grown
by myself but not alone
I ask no one"
Metallica, "Wherever I may Roam"
« Reply #31 on: March 10, 2012, 12:08:44 pm »

Aren't I lucky, I get a double dose of the Republicans today.Ron Paul and Rick Santoram are both speaking,visiting here in town today...
YJFF Member
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321832691 mkilmurry
« Reply #32 on: March 21, 2012, 11:48:43 pm »

I'm with you on this one Dave. A Romney / Obama election would be a missed opportunity. There's not enough contrast. Romney is like a vanilla wafer.

An Obama / Santorum election would spark many conversations this country needs to continue to have. It's cleary in a post Christian era and those two running against each other would be very cathartic.

Unfortunately, Santorum doesn't have the money or organization to win against Romney.
Uber Member
Posts: 2519

« Reply #33 on: March 22, 2012, 08:03:04 am »

^^^ Unfortunately? Santorum is a wacko. I honestly have no idea how people can vote for Gingrich, Romney, or Santorum.
YJFF Member
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« Reply #34 on: March 22, 2012, 08:52:45 am »

I'm with you on this one Dave. A Romney / Obama election would be a missed opportunity. There's not enough contrast. Romney is like a vanilla wafer.

An Obama / Santorum election would spark many conversations this country needs to continue to have. It's cleary in a post Christian era and those two running against each other would be very cathartic.

Unfortunately, Santorum doesn't have the money or organization to win against Romney.

Is this a joke? Santorum is a hate-filled, bigoted douche bag that thinks the Hand Maid's Tale is a how-to on running a nation. He doesn't want to be president. He wants to be the Pope of America and make sure we're all nice and moral according to his imaginary friend in the sky.

« Last Edit: March 22, 2012, 08:57:11 am by Buddhagirl » Logged

"Well behaved women seldom make history."
YJFF Member
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321832691 mkilmurry
« Reply #35 on: March 22, 2012, 12:01:20 pm »

The last two posts are exactly why I think it would be a good election. It would bring out the intensity of both constituents. Because there are many people who agree with his conservative values.

But, I think it is less about religion, specifically Catholic. The majorities of Catholics have voted for Romney in this primary.

Romney is also not without an interesting backstory. Joseph Smith, who had a vision of Jesus and started the Chuch of Latter Day Saints, ran for president. Which he was later murdered because of while in custody. Now, after having our first black president, I think it is no small deal that we could possibly have a our first mormon president. It really is a shift in mindset.
Uber Member
Posts: 2519

« Reply #36 on: March 22, 2012, 12:09:15 pm »

I don't want to vote for any of these guys. I may end up not voting again just because these guys are all bad. The only one that I would even think about supporting is Ron Paul but he's not going to be the nominee.
YJFF Member
Uber Member
Posts: 4930

« Reply #37 on: March 22, 2012, 01:13:42 pm »

The last two posts are exactly why I think it would be a good election. It would bring out the intensity of both constituents. Because there are many people who agree with his conservative values.

But, I think it is less about religion, specifically Catholic. The majorities of Catholics have voted for Romney in this primary.

Romney is also not without an interesting backstory. Joseph Smith, who had a vision of Jesus and started the Chuch of Latter Day Saints, ran for president. Which he was later murdered because of while in custody. Now, after having our first black president, I think it is no small deal that we could possibly have a our first mormon president. It really is a shift in mindset.

I don't really care what religion the president is. I think religion has NO business in politics. Period.

"Well behaved women seldom make history."
Uber Member
Posts: 1218

« Reply #38 on: March 22, 2012, 02:30:22 pm »

I don't want to vote for any of these guys. I may end up not voting again just because these guys are all bad. The only one that I would even think about supporting is Ron Paul but he's not going to be the nominee.

I totally agree with you and will go one further. I will not vote for any of these fools. The only one that will get my support is Paul. The other three are shithead jack-offs and Obama is a stinky turd that's in way over his head. My buddy told me in the last election to vote for the lesser of 2 evils. To hell with that, if they don't deserve my vote and they won't get it. Like George Carlin said, "If you vote you have no right to complain !!!"
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