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Question: IS SNL still Cool?
Seriously Un-Cool   -2 (20%)
Un-Cool   -6 (60%)
Cool   -1 (10%)
Pretty Cool   -1 (10%)
Super Cool   -0 (0%)
Total Voters: 9

Author Topic: 2012 - Coolwall - 7 - Saturday Night Live  (Read 2691 times)
« on: April 15, 2012, 11:13:55 pm »

2012 - CW - 6 - Talent show reality shows - Seriously un-cool
2012 - CW - 5- Facebook- un-cool
2010 - CW - 4- World of Warcraft - Seriously un-cool
2010 - CW - 3 - Wearing your Baseball cap back wards - un-cool
2010 - CW - 2 - Comic Books - Cool
2010 - CW - 1- Hybrid cars - un-cool

Sorry for being a tad entertainment focused,I debated on two entertainment,but felt this is good specific one....

Saturday night live came on the air October 11, 1975 as NBC's Saturday Night and still runs today....But is it still cool according to the members of TDMMC?

I think I'll keep voting short...8 days then it will be locked......You can change your vote,but only 1 vote...
« Last Edit: April 15, 2012, 11:16:52 pm by Lil B » Logged
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« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2012, 11:39:51 pm »

It's not so much about coolness as it is simply awful.  I'm not expecting much whenever I see it, and I can't make it past 2 or 3 sketches before it becomes completely unwatchable.

And there's a shit ton of talent on the show...so go figure.
YJFF Member
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« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2012, 09:23:42 am »

Agreed. It's just awful. I can't even watch it.

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« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2012, 09:54:10 am »

It has had several ups and downs, they have been down for a while now.
Brian Fein
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« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2012, 10:09:49 am »

I don't ever watch SNL.  But occasionally they fire up a gem.  They probably do 10 skits per night, and of those there may be 1 funny one per month.  However, historically SNL has been quite good.

I think the current "lull" of SNL is due to the duds they have on the cast right now.
CF DolFan
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« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2012, 10:25:41 am »

It depends, If Justin Timberlake is on it's probably going to be a good one. If it's Lindsey Lohan it will probably suck. They are hit and miss depending on the week. I record them and watch them if nothing else is on so I don't mind fast forwarding through the suckiness. Seems like when the last group visits they are entertaining.

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« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2012, 11:14:31 am »

Andy Sanberg pretty much carries SNL now due to his Digital Shorts. 
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2012, 11:30:09 am »

Ok my little SNL rant....I agree with most of what is said above....The Lulls,the very few good sketches,but I think It has less Pop culture effect now....Ok, Ok, it's a chicken and the egg argument...

I've rarely watched in the past 10 years or so,and can barely name you 1 cast member currently...(and that just because of a semi recent article)

I think (the internet in general),but Youtube,and Hulu really hurt SNL,or even Funny or Die stuff already has celebs doing great funny stuff...The other part of it for me, is getting older,as I've gotten older,it's got less funny...

The president election 4 year cycle,I think is a great boost for them,and part of what they have done well in the past. (politics,and political scandal parodies)4 years ago,while Tina Fey was great doing Sarah Palin,Sarah Palin was a farce upon herself without SNL....

I think SNL doesn't have funny enough sketches/characters that become pop culture icons...From some from my past,from my favorite era...(and suddenly my mind went totally blank) The church lady, Waynes World,Hanz & Franz,Chris Farley living in a van down by the river,the Gap girls,Jack handy,Fernando..I'm missing a bunch,but My brain just stopped working...I think those memorable characters,with catch lines or phrases are lacking...

Youtube - I can go pick an choose what I want to see,I don't need SNL for parodies, I see can lots of funny parodies on youtube....(I used to like to watch the Barely political channel for their parodies,comedy stuff...Till they did so many parodies,of people I didn't know who they were,or why this was supposed to be funny...)

Hulu -If they do have a funny sketch, I can go watch that one supposedly funny sketch,and skip all the shit...

I just feel like SNL fails to make the needle move pop culture wise to be cool...
« Last Edit: April 16, 2012, 11:33:35 am by Lil B » Logged
Dave Gray
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« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2012, 02:14:55 pm »

SNL still has something occassionally awesome.  Their politcal humor is still great, as is news, the pre-taped skits, and a once in a while gem.  But, with YouTube, the idea of live sketch comedy being special just dies.  If anything is funny, you can see it later.  There's really no reason to watch the show live.

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Brian Fein
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« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2012, 04:35:56 pm »

SNL routinely forcably removes anything funny of theirs from YouTube.  I hate that.
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