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Author Topic: My Gillette Fusion 3 in 1 styler review  (Read 1252 times)
« on: April 20, 2012, 12:52:49 pm »

It's the same one I gave on the site I bought it...

I was hoping it would be something, I could throw in a shaving kit so when work send me on an overnight,I wouldn't have to drag,shaving gel,after shave,razor,and then my beard trimmer,trimmer charger,the right Guide for the trimmer....Great Convenient,no crap I wish I had my trimmer moments.Love it only took a single AA battery,I don't have to worry about running out of power,and needing a special plug to charge my trimmer...All in one...I love the idea...

Shaving - For the past 20 years of shaving,I've shaved with a handle that is slightly larger than a pencil,maybe a nice beefy pen.The I shaved with the 3 in 1 styler which has the handle of a round hairbrush.I thought it felt wieldy,like I wasn't as precise,it took me longer,because I had this bigger/longer handle.I kept getting in my way while trying to shave normally.It didn't feel like shaving, it felt a little like hand to hand combat with a hair brush.Being a Gillette fusion blade,that I've used previously,the shave was normal,just more difficult.So while it does work as a shaver,I don't want to go back to being 16 and relearn how to shave.So for me it doesn't work well as a better shaving experience...Even worse for a travel kit,that I might not use every time I shave...

Trimmer - Bad,what am I supposed to trim with this?My arm hair? The blade guards are far too short to trim anything other than maybe your kids pet hamster.The longest blade guide isn't even the shortest guide on my beard,and mustache trimmer...So as an average man with real facial hair,it's useless.I understand it's not really for "beards" but I'm struggling for what good guides this short are for.It's not going to replace my beard & mustache trimmer (even in a pinch),and I can't see it really being good for small jobs,that I'd rather use my beard & mustache trimmer for anyway...Useless

I also didn't like the idea,of all my shaving gel,facial hair I've shaved off on the trimmer blades.When I rinsed my shaving head off,the trimmer blades are pretty exposed to all that muck.

The idea is good,but not for men..

It just failed all around as a shaver trimmer,that I was looking for,I wouldn't waste my money on this (I regret that I did),unless you really are into manscaping
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