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Author Topic: What do you keep in your car?  (Read 2331 times)
« on: May 29, 2012, 12:21:15 pm »

My boss is using his wifes car/suv today...and it's effin immaculate compared to my boss',it's like it just came out of a detail shop...

My bosses is like a rescue vehicle,spare chargers for like 6 or 7 things (some things I don't think he owns),spare clothes,shoes,jugs of water,etc,etc...dropping a nerdy D&D reference...It's like a bag of holding.

So as soon as I came home,I kind of thought about my truck...I have...
Socket set
a couple of ratchet straps
2 Screw drivers
a multibit-multi-driver
pair of vise grips
needle nose,
Blanket for when the dogs ride in the truck
2 spare leashes
2 dog cookies
Disinfecting wipes
2 burnt mix CD's
Owners manual
My K&N car stating that my intake is carb exempt,that has contact numbers etc.
2 pairs of sunglasses
LED Flashlight
USB thumb drive

Looking at the list...
makes me wish I had a Super Leatherman
I guess I don't keep a spare charger for my phone in there anymore...
I need to clean it out... maybe when it's cooler this weekend, I'll clean it out,and wipe down the trifold tonneau cover...It really needs to be vacuumed,more than anything...No trash...

What things do you keep in your Vehicle? Is it clean or messy?
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« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2012, 01:03:48 pm »

My truck is very messy only in the sense that it needs washed.  It's a white truck so it's gonna get dirty fast anyhow.

I really don't keep much in it except for the GPS, The XM radio is for all intents and purposes permanently attached (no CD player, it's a surplus rig.)

The obvious stuff in the glove box:  Insurance info, registration, some pens some bank deposit/withdrawal slips (I never seem to be able to find either when I need them) the owners manual and some spare sunglasses in case I drop the good ones in the river like I did last month.

Jumper cables and a blanket are on the backseat.  (wintertime insurance) 

Switchblade (it comes in handy for many things)

Machette (in case some asshole tries to car jack me again)

Spare cylinder loader for the gun (this has actually been in my glove box in various vehicles for over 15 years and I don't think I've ever actually thought about it).

Copy of my pistol permit (in case the cop gives me shit.  In NY you must have this on your person at all times and it would be just my luck I leave my wallet home, a cop stops me and wants to see some form of ID)

Not IN my truck per se but spare set of car and house keys.  (it's far more likely I'll lose them in the river than lock them in the car)

That's the stuff that's always in there.


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« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2012, 01:39:30 pm »

Duct Tape
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« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2012, 04:08:59 pm »

I keep the interior of my truck very clean (unlike my wife's car which resembles a garbage pit at times) so I carry just the necessities. Most everything is in the glove box or console and the bigger items are under the backseat so you really can't see any of this stuff. 

Small first aid kit
Small roadside assistance kit (tire plugs, tire gauge, fix a flat, jumper cables, flares, and a couple of small hand tools)
Two ton hydraulic jack (those tiny pieces of shit that come with the trucks aggravate the hell out of me)
4 Star tire wrench
CD book with about 30 various CD's (Not sure why this is in there as I only listen to the Sirius anymore)
Full sized mag lite
Car charger for my Droid
Gate Remote and Garage Door Opener
Insurance Card and Registration
Handful of Napkins
2 pair of heavy duty leather gloves
Ruger 40cal. (I do not leave this in the truck but it is usually with me when I drive anywhere

That is about it really.

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« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2012, 04:10:54 pm »

What don't I keep in my car.  You could probably find animal life living in my back seat.  Its seriously a bad situation.  It needs to be cleaned.
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Posts: 1622

« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2012, 04:20:08 pm »

Shaving Razor (I normally shave w/o a mirror and then touch up on the drive in to work)
Tire pressure gauge
Maintenance Log
Picture of Wife and Stepson

My car is ultra-clean inside and out. I love it that way.
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2012, 04:21:30 pm »

A couple of things I forgot....
A canvas Walmart bag
Pens and a Pencil in the console..
Work gloves

I need to put a roll of Duct tape in my truck...

I admit,Jumper Cables are one thing that I hate to carry...For the room in my truck they take up,I rarely use them.I used to keep them in my old truck,because I felt I'd use them more with that truck,and If I needed them I knew right where they're at.

I always get asked in the most suspicious places/times....It's never a little old lady parked right next to me at the grocery store at 5pm...It's the I'm sick and doing a 2 am Walmart run for cold medicine,and someone runs from halfway across the parking lot,and there is like 4 guy's standing at a car in the shadows of the building...

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« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2012, 04:30:35 pm »

Sun visor
2 anti theft car locks: 1 for the steering wheel, 1 for the brake.
Box cutter
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« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2012, 04:35:56 pm »

In the glove compartment & console, I keep rubber gloves, a hand-vac, bleach-based cleaning supplies, a change of clothes and some basic disguise stuff (fake mustache/eyebrows, colored contact lenses, etc...). In the trunk I temporarily keep the bodies of dead hookers until I can find a good place to get rid of them.


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« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2012, 09:16:11 pm »

Just out of curiosity does anyone else have the interior liner instead of carpeting?  If I need to wash mine out I can literally take a hose to it.

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« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2012, 11:10:11 pm »

Duct Tape

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Jackass: Someone who doesn't know the difference.
« Reply #11 on: May 29, 2012, 11:19:34 pm »

Just out of curiosity does anyone else have the interior liner instead of carpeting?  If I need to wash mine out I can literally take a hose to it.
My old 71 GMC did,it also had no headliner...I never washed it out,I didn't want to exacerbate any minor rust problems

It's more common in work trucks,around here..
YJFF Member
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« Reply #12 on: May 30, 2012, 06:59:56 am »

I don't intentionally keep anything in my car except for a first aid kit that my mom bought me. Everything else has just been left there. Though, I cleaned everything out on Sunday because I had to get a REALLY pricey detail because my new puppy shit all over my back seat. It was EVERYWHERE and I was in tears. For the record, Cactus carwash is the bomb!!!

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« Reply #13 on: May 30, 2012, 09:48:38 am »

tire gauge
headphones & small AM/FM radio
US/Florida map
Baby Car Seat
Phone charger
a few CDs
Blu Blocker sunglasses

My center console has miscellany.  It cycles out.  ...but it's usually a few trinkets that I keep to leave in geocaches.  Plus, I think I have some wet naps.

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