As you may have heard, Obama has a
"kill list" detailing terrorist suspects who the U.S. government is attempting to eliminate. Many on the left have complained about this, some going so far as to create a petition for a
"Do Not Kill List" (in the spirit of the Do Not Call list) to keep American citizens from being assassinated abroad.
I find this to be an interesting example in which I diverge from many progressives. To me, the entire line of criticism is ridiculous, for a couple of reasons:
1) Why should U.S. citizens
living in other countries be afforded any more protection from military assassination than any other person? If you really believe that these killings should not take place without a trial and conviction, why is an Al-Qaeda operative born in London any less entitled to due process of law than one born in Cleveland?
2) If you really believe that these killings should not be able to be authorized without due process, on what basis can you allow the U.S. government to kill any terrorist at all? Should we be holding mass trials
in absentia for the entirety of Al-Qaeda? Or should the U.S. military be restricted to capture-only?
I really don't understand some of my fellow leftists on this one. The entire controversy is complaining just to complain.