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Author Topic: Nicknames,pet names,Names you hate when being referred to  (Read 2103 times)
« on: June 05, 2012, 12:52:12 pm »

I started going by initials when I was about 12,after a story my My Mom told me.They always intended to call me by initials,but Mom's twin brother had a boy a few weeks before me and they called him by his intials.I was born in Iowa,the first time mom had lived anywhere outside of Chicago,so she assumed that we'd probably go back there.Two kids near the same age,one with a "B" and one with a"P" might get confusing.It helped that we moved to the farm,in a new place where no one knew me...

So my nicknames ...
My initials (which I just explained)
Moose - The nickname my Brother gave to me when I was born,I was 10#'s 8 oz.I played little league and the initials thing got in the way,4 guy's going by intials,So I went by moose.It was really the end of the road for that nickname.
Lil B - Everyone called my old brother B,and ith moose dying, they started calling my Little B.and redneck slur made it more like...Liddy B,then Lil b...
Beeg -Most of my inner circle friends say this...
B-man I only bring this up,I only had one friend that called me this along time ago.I've caught my boss calling me it a couple of times recently..It's a strange Twilight zone moment for me...He did it about 30 minutes or so ago...

Names that I hate being referred too by people I don't know...
Guy - Hey guy can you move your truck...
Son,Junior,or Boy - people older than 75+,or My cousin by marriage do I let him say it to me.My cousin,I feel his son is his best friend,and he's so used to talking to him.It's rarely directed at me,when he says it...

So your nicknames? how did you get them?
Things you hate to be referred to by?
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« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2012, 12:59:27 pm »

Nicknames and noms de plume...

Current nicknames:


Current noms de plume:

Walter Fitch
Jack Slipher

Past nicknames:


Past noms de plume:

Jeffrey Stearns
Boris Hoppe

Names I hate being called:

Late for Supper
« Last Edit: June 05, 2012, 01:01:55 pm by Sunstroke » Logged

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« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2012, 01:22:50 pm »

Growing up, my dad called me The Heathen. I didn't understand it at the time, but now it cracks me up. He also called me Lips. My mom wasn't down with nicknames and by the time we were around 10ish my dad dropped the nicknames.

Current Nicknames:
Cic (this is the one used most since it's just my name shortened)
Ms. Cicely (my gay friends starting calling me this years ago.)
Ms. Pants

Cissy - Just thinking about it makes my blood boil.

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« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2012, 01:33:41 pm »

My name is Mark..don't call me Marcus..you'll more than likely get punched in the face

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« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2012, 01:41:02 pm »

Lighten up Marcus.

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« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2012, 01:56:02 pm »

Gotta give it to Hoodie...That's a great one... Cheesy
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« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2012, 02:43:49 pm »

In order of when they originated....

Last name is Hozie, pronounced Hozey. So I did have a few "Garden Hozey" or "Panty Hozey" names given by someone to rib me at various times, but these were few and far between. I had a guy on a gaming forum start calling me "Panty Hozey" just a few years ago and he was quite proud of himself for coming up with that. I didn't have the heart to tell him that I heard that one about 35 years earlier while growing up.

I had a girlfriend in 7th grade start to call me Wilby by combining my first name and middle initial William B even though I've always been Bill or Billy. She was the only person to ever call me that. For what it's worth I called her "4 Quarts" which I thought was very funny because her last name was Galyen, you figure it out.

I had several friends around that time that just called me Hozer, like they were from Canada.

My wife used to call me Pudge because of baseball. Growing up Carlton Fisk was an idol of mine and his nickname was Pudge and then when I moved to Texas, Pudge Rodriguez became quite popular for the Rangers and my wife thought I just seemed like a Pudge. I had gotten a little wide in the middle by then so it did seem to fit.

At some point Pudge gave way to Bear or "Bear Bear". Not really sure why, but at the same time Teddy Bears became a favorite of my wife.

When I had grandkids, my daughter asked what I wanted to be called as both of her grandparents had pet names of "Granny and Paw Paw". My wife decided she wanted to be Nanny and I just stuck with "Paw Paw".

A few years ago some friends of mine were playing a video game called Enemy Territory which if you don't know is a WWII era first person shooter. We started to play competitively with another group of guys and we decided we needed a name for our "guild". At some point someone mentioned the Blacksheep Squadron after the famous WWII fighter squadron and I immediately insisted that I become Pappy because of their leader "Pappy" Boyington who kind of had this father figure thing going to the younger guys in the squad and I too was one of the oldest playing. I also thought it had a nice tie in with the "Paw Paw" nickname and I tried for a while to get my grandkids to start calling me Pappy, but "Paw Paw" was already ingrained. I go by Pappy in all video games now.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2012, 03:02:41 pm by Pappy13 » Logged

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« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2012, 03:51:48 pm »

Big Daddy
Big Daddy Wedge
Big Daddy Skoal
East Side Slugger (I never got this one)
Big Bastard

Nah screw it I got a whole list

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« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2012, 11:45:25 pm »

Real life

- Los
- CJ

Online (video games)

- Thundergod (Forced to stop using it, each time I try, it's taken)
- Baron of hell (What I've used since Tgod was retired)
- Cacodemon
- Flaccid Snake (Last resort)
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« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2012, 06:13:03 pm »

Like B I have initials for a name....T.J. It stands for Timothy James

I get called Tim, Teej, and T a lot. I also tell most people that is stands for Total Jackass so I get called Jackass a lot and I am ok with that. I am still trying to convince my wife, and the state of Arizona to let me have this on my License Plate.

I started shaving my head at 17 years old so a lot of my friends called me Mr Clean. I used this for most of my online nicknames as well generally spelled with a K (Mr Klean) since it was a popular nickname. Most online (PS3 and a few other various message boards) just call me Klean like most people on here refer to me as just AZ. Most of my softball jerseys when I first started playing had Jackass or Mr Clean on them.

About the only thing I hate being called is Timmy.....it drives me nuts and I will most likely not respond.

Outside of that you can call me just about anything and I am ok with it.


R.I.P. Jarian - 11/17/05 - You will be missed and never forgotten. Thanks for the memories my truest friend!!!!!
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