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Question: Should a store honor their lower price,within a reasonable time period??
Yes   -6 (85.7%)
No   -1 (14.3%)
Not Sure   -0 (0%)
Total Voters: 6

Author Topic: Should a store/website honor it's own lower price?  (Read 2158 times)
« on: June 06, 2012, 04:50:13 pm »

This morning I had a hard drive I bought in 2008,make a louder than normal whirring sound while spinning up.So I've been watching the price of SSD's for when I rebuild my computer sometime this year...Thought I can swing the cost,and I'd rather go buy one now before it fails,rather than have a failure...I checked Amazon had a Crucial 256 GB for 189.99 on Amazon Prime,sold by Amazon...I bought the bad boy...Went to my Meeting returned just over 2 hours later...I got an Email from Amazon confirming the purchase,and another asking me to leave seller feedback for something I bought a couple of months ago.

I went back to Amazon,and noticed the price had dropped to $179.99 still Prime,still sold through Amazon.Checked the status,it hadn't shipped yet.I scrounged around to find the contact us button...Amazon has a no price matching policy thing

With the exception of TVs, we do not offer post-order price matching when an item's price drops after you buy it. Our prices regularly change, and the price you paid when your order shipped was the lowest price we were able to offer at the time. We consistently offer competitive prices on everything we carry because we know low prices are very important to our customers.

I contacted Amazon,they mentioned this policy,then offered me to credit my account...Then I had to contact them again,because I wanted an adapter for said SSD to fit in my desktop...That would have covered the cost...

Even a lot of Brick and Mortar store will price match themselves,14 days (The ones I tend to shop at) I've gotten some money back on a quite a few things,after I bought them...

I'm not asking them to honor,John's HD shop through Amazon,just the things Sold by Amazon.Even for a short period,If I catch from the time the order is placed to the time I receive the item.I'd be fine with it...I'm not saying,Send me an email telling me the price dropped,here's the difference,if I'm willing to go back,watch it even after I bought...Give it to me...

I love Amazon,They are good to me,but this policy sticks in my craw...is why I'm complaining...

Do you think stores should honor their own lower prices?

Modified to add,I just got the..It's shipped email...
« Last Edit: June 06, 2012, 04:52:52 pm by Lil B » Logged
GameDay Trolls
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« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2012, 05:06:05 pm »

When most stores run a special they indicate, "not valid on prior purchases," similar to what Amazon stated. I don't really have a problem with it. -EK
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« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2012, 06:30:08 pm »

Lil B, based on my reading of your post, they credited your account with the difference.  Is this correct?

« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2012, 07:22:50 pm »

^^^ I know I'm whining about nothing,mountain over ant hill Embarrassed I don't like the policy,but I've  mostly had good experiences from Amazon (99% of the time),the policy is odd to me......I would understand if it was the deal of the day type thing,and they said no,but it's not..

1st contact about it...
The 1st time they quoted their policy,and I could see them still typing...
Then offered to $10 in credit on my next purchase
I asked does the credit expire? (Thinking that there might be strings)
He said no,it's a coupon code...

Figuring it's better than nothing...I said ok...Knowing I forgot to buy the 2.5 inch to 3.5 inch HD adapter,and if I ordered in the next 30 minutes I'd get it Friday...

Then they asked if there was anything else he could help me with...I said No.

Then I got the Amazon Customer survey Email...

2nd contact
Then I went to order the adapter,but there wasn't any credit,or a code...The clock was ticking, the HD comes tomorrow,I kind of think i'd need that adapter.So I waited 20 minutes nothing...I contacted them again,(hoping I could get the credit to buy the bracket) explained everything...This representative said,he couldn't offer the credit,but would refund me the difference instead once it ships...It's now shipped,but I've not gotten anything from them yet...

So they've offered to give me $10,but haven't yet...I'm pretty sure they will...

Modified to add,I just got the email,they've issued me a refund of $10 now...

(My boss gave me the bracket,because I was dealing with customer service,and missed the window)

My Boss brought this up...
Why didn't I cancel my order and reorder it at a cheaper rate?
I'm 0 for 2,trying to cancel orders on Amazon...Both times they've denied the request,both times saying they are too far along to cancel..Both times,sort of leaving me in limbo for a couple of hours then denying it.Once,was the wrong item,I bought the right one,and returned the one I didn't want.(I essentially bought 2)

I don't have enough money in my account,to cover 2 of them now,just in case I get charged twice...I'd have to run to the bank,to avoid an over draft fee.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2012, 08:02:16 pm by Lil B » Logged
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« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2012, 11:20:32 pm »

Don't bother cancelling.  You can just refuse the package when it arrives, and the carrier will send it back.

Brian Fein
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« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2012, 09:29:11 am »

This happened to me just last week.  I ordered a custom product using a coupon code that saved me $16.  The next day, I got another email with a new coupon code that could have saved me $30.  They wouldn't honor it, of course.

Then yesterday I got another coupon code that would have saved me close to $50.  It pisses me off.  Makes me understand how these people do business and I probably won't be ordering from them anymore.
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« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2012, 10:47:35 am »

Maybe it is just me, but I don't see a big deal here. $10 isn't worth a lot of stress and hassle in my life. I typically do not buy anything online unless it is something that I absolutely cannot get locally. Since I don't order online I don't use promo codes so that isn't an issue. Also, I never really look to see if prices have changed once I buy something. If I have one, why do I need to continue looking at it in the store or online?

Brian, ever think those additional promo codes you received are because you made a purchase and they were rewarding you? Rather than be pissy about a company offering you additional discounts, take advantage of them.
Brian Fein
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« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2012, 11:16:35 am »

^^ No, they send promo codes weekly.  Its just their normal business.
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2012, 01:20:40 pm »

I've had coupon codes go both ways on me, work for me,and against me...I got my tri-fold Tonno pro cover for my truck with an old supposedly expired coupon code+black Friday special pricing.

I also want to note something,a couple of months ago on my computer monitor (I'm using typing this),the price dropped within a day of receiving it,from like $319 down to $296.I again approached Amazon,No mention of policy,it was yes we are willing to one time credit you back the money.Which I thought meant,if it dropped another $20 tomorrow I'm S.O.L...I was fine with that,It's the way most stores that allow you to do this do it...1 time on the same item,can't keep coming back...

Today the SSD HD I bought is back up to $196

My thoughts on what Phish said...
I have to give credit for me doing this a bit to Dave Gray,because he made a response here like 5 years ago mentioning he does mail in rebates. (I don't know if he still does,but I always remembered that) I felt his reasoning changed my mind on them...(I get an urge at least once a month to start a thread about,How being here on the TDMMC has changed my view,point of reference,or my life in some way.)

The difference is,no envelope,proof of purchase,filling out some form,stamp,waiting 4-8 weeks to get that money back....With the internet,a lot of places you contact them through,chat,or email...it's minutes,and they issue the money back.A lot of stores I shop regularly,I just take the receipt back in to customer service...

I don't do this with EVERY single thing I buy,but with a lot of things I do.Things I've gotten money back recently...
Wiper Blades (I bought 2 sets)- $16.99 x 2-$8.99= $16- 2 days after I bought them,front page of the o'reillys ad in my mailbox
My computer ,monitor $319 -$296= $23
Washing machine - $45 store + ($60+10 )for buying an High efficiency washer
My refrigerator - $100
T.V. stand - Shopped at the store it was like $259 (but didn't buy),came home went online to check the measurements,it was cheaper like $249.Bought it online,and picked up at the store at the cheaper price.2 days later it went on sale for $199 Saved $60

I'm forgetting a few..All these examples were 2012,except the T.V stand it was late in 2011

I know Wal mart is one that doesn't honor it's online price,if it's cheaper online,they wont sell it to you in store for that price...
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« Reply #9 on: June 08, 2012, 03:50:17 pm »

its my belief in general that Americans have had enough of the fine print, either match the goddamn price or shut up.

Hey... what's in the bowl bitch?
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« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2012, 07:29:36 pm »

Varying prices are a fact of life. 

You think you will get a refund from a hotel b/c you bought it direct and then found out someone paid less on priceline? 

Do you really expect to pay the exact same price for a heart shaped box of candy on Feb 13th as would of Feb 15th?

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 1. Never tell everything you know.
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