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Author Topic: Brandon Marshall....Still Crazy!!  (Read 4951 times)
Uber Member
Posts: 13582

« on: June 24, 2012, 08:40:22 am »


Short summary but you must read the entire long article for yourself to get the jist of it. You see the mood swing and attitude switch over time in this piece with a reporter who did no wrong and was only trying to help explain Brandon's story.

-Brandon invites a Chicago reporter to live with him in Florida for a few days, but when the guy arrives he is told no personal questions an no pictures. Said he is allowed only to observe.  (the reporter should have just left right there honestly)

-Brandon takes the guy golfing at a ritzy private club where he isn't a member, plays the course out of order and quits after 14 holes.

-On the final day at Marshall's house when the reporter asks a question he tells the reporter..."This ain't no Q&A" and Brandon says.. "If you're going to go writing about John Kennedy right now, you're not going to look at his father's police reports. You're not going to talk to his ex-wife." (I think Brandon just compared himself to JFK...lol)

-Then there was this great exchange...I mention some incidents from documents I found about his childhood — the day his parents fought in the front seat and his father hit his mother.

"You're not going to get my opinion on it," Marshall says.

What do you recall? "You're not going to get my opinion on it."

How did it influence you? "You're not going to get my opinion on it."

He turns to look at me.

"What time's your flight leave, 4:30?"

-A couple weeks later Brandon takes the reporter out to dinner and this happens,..... During the meal, Marshall assures me certain members of his family will speak to me — people he says "know" him. People like Aunt Ronnie. He says he won't stand in the way.

But phone calls to these relatives aren't returned. And a few days later, he emails to say no one wants to talk. He begins to ignore my emails.

-And this whole saga ends like most of Marshall's relationships with teams, family, girls...BADLY! As I continue my research, his assistant contacts my editors with a proposal: publish a column Marshall wrote about mental illness in light of Junior Seau's suicide. The Tribune declines, citing our ongoing reporting. Three days later the column runs in the Chicago Sun-Times.

When Marshall finally calls again, it is to tell me he is finished participating; he won't agree to a final interview to go over everything I've found and ask more questions. "I think it's kind of a scumbag story, excuse my language."

A few minutes later my phone rings again. It's Marshall. He says another "thing that rubbed me the wrong way" was the interview request came after the Tribune decided not to publish his column. We haven't spoken since.

Stay Classy Brandon! Stay Classy!
« Last Edit: June 24, 2012, 08:42:11 am by MikeO » Logged
GameDay Trolls
Uber Member
Posts: 2955

« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2012, 10:54:17 am »

Seriously... Let it go. You have an unhealthy obsession with the guy.  -EK
el diablo
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2012, 11:21:16 am »


Short summary but you must read the entire long article for yourself to get the jist of it. You see the mood swing and attitude switch over time in this piece with a reporter who did no wrong and was only trying to help explain Brandon's story.

Stay Classy Brandon! Stay Classy!

It's amazing to me, how you can come away with the conclusion that somehow Brandon did something wrong here. The man has a disability. The background story supports a possible cause for the disorder. And still you decide to trash the man. I don't condone the violent acts against women he reportedly has done. But I do give him a pass for personality traits that may seem odd to me.  He routinely watched his dad beat his mom. If he doesn't want to talk about it, who am I to say he should? The media isn't a court of law. The fact that Brandon is still trying to treat his disorder already speaks volumes about him. He's not perfect. Never will be. Let it go.
Uber Member
Posts: 13582

« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2012, 11:22:23 am »

Seriously... Let it go. You have an unhealthy obsession with the guy.  -EK

YOU talking about unhealthy obsessions....that's funny!!  Cheesy
Uber Member
Posts: 13582

« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2012, 11:30:58 am »

It's amazing to me, how you can come away with the conclusion that somehow Brandon did something wrong here. The man has a disability. The background story supports a possible cause for the disorder. And still you decide to trash the man. I don't condone the violent acts against women he reportedly has done. But I do give him a pass for personality traits that may seem odd to me.  He routinely watched his dad beat his mom. If he doesn't want to talk about it, who am I to say he should? The media isn't a court of law. The fact that Brandon is still trying to treat his disorder already speaks volumes about him. He's not perfect. Never will be. Let it go.

I find it funny that a man with a "disorder" (as you say, I still don't buy it) still doesn't have anyone in his life, an agent, manager, PR rep, close friend, family member...etc who stops him from getting himself in situations like this where he comes off looking very bad and crazy. If you are going to invite a reporter over to your house for 3 days, you should at least let him ask a couple questions. Otherwise what's the point of having them there? He knew the story the reporter wanted to do and to then call it a "scumbag article" weeks later is just a sign of lunacy.  He wanted a slant from the reporter, he didn't get it. He wanted his Seau article run by the newspaper, he didn't get it. When he didn't get what he wanted he turned on the guy. Brandon came off as a child, what he didn't get what he wanted he threw a temper tantrum, called the reporter names, took his ball and went home and stopped participating in the story which HE began by inviting the guy over his house.

And it's not like I had to dig for this story this morning and look for a reason to bash the guy. I didn't wake up on this Sunday in late June saying lets bash Marshall today. The story IS EVERYWHERE! It was the lead item on SIRIUS/XM NFL radio this morning, it was on ESPN Radio was talking about it, MAD DOG radio was talking about it while flipping around while driving in my car, other newspapers are linking to it online.
el diablo
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2012, 11:52:36 am »

Again, his actions speak of a disorder. What you or I would do, doesn't apply to what he would do. The man explained that he's in the process of learning how to build boundaries, instead of walls. Meaning, he let the reporter spend a few days with him. That's a boundary. Not speaking at all, is a wall. Its a process that doesn't cure itself overnight. Do I think its strange to invite a reporter over and not answer personal questions? Maybe. The reporter was already starting to write the story before Brandon contacted him. Did Brandon try to slant the story his way? Yes. Did he throw a "fit"? Yes. Do I fault him for his rationale? No. I don't blame the reporter for doing his job either. He tried being cordial with Brandon. I'll give him that. But at the same time, he's putting Brandon's troubled past on display. Whether or not it dealt directly with Brandon or not. Its Brandon's life and he's still learning how to cope with it to.
Uber Member
Posts: 13582

« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2012, 11:54:46 am »

Again, his actions speak of a disorder. What you or I would do, doesn't apply to what he would do. The man explained that he's in the process of learning how to build boundaries, instead of walls. Meaning, he let the reporter spend a few days with him. That's a boundary. Not speaking at all, is a wall. Its a process that doesn't cure itself overnight. Do I think its strange to invite a reporter over and not answer personal questions? Maybe. The reporter was already starting to write the story before Brandon contacted him. Did Brandon try to slant the story his way? Yes. Did he throw a "fit"? Yes. Do I fault him for his rationale? No. I don't blame the reporter for doing his job either. He tried being cordial with Brandon. I'll give him that. But at the same time, he's putting Brandon's troubled past on display. Whether or not it dealt directly with Brandon or not. Its Brandon's life and he's still learning how to cope with it to.

We can agree to disagree.
el diablo
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2012, 12:03:53 pm »

We can agree to disagree.

« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2012, 01:06:04 pm »

Seriously... Let it go. You have an unhealthy obsession with the guy.  -EK

YOU talking about unhealthy obsessions....that's funny!!  Cheesy

Quit derailing these threads!!!!
Uber Member
Posts: 5574

« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2012, 02:12:02 pm »

Again, his actions speak of a disorder. What you or I would do, doesn't apply to what he would do. The man explained that he's in the process of learning how to build boundaries, instead of walls. Meaning, he let the reporter spend a few days with him. That's a boundary. Not speaking at all, is a wall. Its a process that doesn't cure itself overnight. Do I think its strange to invite a reporter over and not answer personal questions? Maybe. The reporter was already starting to write the story before Brandon contacted him. Did Brandon try to slant the story his way? Yes. Did he throw a "fit"? Yes. Do I fault him for his rationale? No. I don't blame the reporter for doing his job either. He tried being cordial with Brandon. I'll give him that. But at the same time, he's putting Brandon's troubled past on display. Whether or not it dealt directly with Brandon or not. Its Brandon's life and he's still learning how to cope with it to.

I don't think you can fault MikeO or the reporter.  If Brandon is as disabled as you seem to believe he shouldn't be giving interviews, and perhaps shouldn't be even playing football.  He also shouldn't be out at clubs drinking alcohol, which can only hurt his disability.  Time and time again reporters do these "personal" stories on how players have overcome adversity and personal demons.  I doubt this Chicago reporter started out to throw Brandon under the bus, and was probably tring to put a positive spin on things.  Disability or not I think Marshall was out of line.
GameDay Trolls
Uber Member
Posts: 2955

« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2012, 03:31:12 pm »

Quit derailing these threads!!!!

Sorry, but this isn't a derail. In addition to trying to flame Marshall in every OTHER thread here, this is the SECOND thread MikeO has started since the trade with no other purpose than to talk smack about the guy. No one else on this board does that with any other player. It gets old. He's not a Dolphin any more, so why the hang up? If Mike has the right to keep posting this stuff, I have the right to say that it's time to move on and not be obsessed with someone who isn't even on the team anymore. -EK
Uber Member
Posts: 13582

« Reply #11 on: June 24, 2012, 04:30:44 pm »

It's a total derail! This is the "AROUND THE NFL" area of this message board. Brandon Marshall plays for the CHICAGO BEARS! I am posting about Marshall in the appropriate area of this message board.

Nobody put a gun to your head and forced you to read the thread or contribute/post in it.

If you don't like the topic, skip it and move.
Uber Member
Posts: 13582

« Reply #12 on: June 24, 2012, 04:36:39 pm »

I don't think you can fault MikeO or the reporter.  If Brandon is as disabled as you seem to believe he shouldn't be giving interviews, and perhaps shouldn't be even playing football.  He also shouldn't be out at clubs drinking alcohol, which can only hurt his disability.  Time and time again reporters do these "personal" stories on how players have overcome adversity and personal demons.  I doubt this Chicago reporter started out to throw Brandon under the bus, and was probably tring to put a positive spin on things.  Disability or not I think Marshall was out of line.

My whole thing a "disabled" person doesn't go get help like he did last year in Massachusetts and bring a movie crew with him to shoot a documentary on him so he can make a few extra bucks on the side.

To me this whole "BPD" thing is a scam on his part. He got in trouble one too many times, has pretty much ran out of strikes or is about to with the league without serious consequences, and is hiding behind this disease to keep Goodell and the NFL off his back. IF Brandon was truly disabled and needed help, he wouldn't have brought a movie crew with him to shoot the whole thing so he can then sell the movie and make money.

The reporter didn't ask to go live with Brandon. Brandon went out of his way to invite the reporter. Also, why invite a reporter to live with you at your house if you aren't allowing him to ask questions? That is beyond bizarre and odd. And he is out of line the way he treated the reporter.
el diablo
« Reply #13 on: June 24, 2012, 05:52:59 pm »

Maybe, I'm out of line in thinking the way I do. Maybe Brandon actually was trying to shed light on a disorder that affect only 2% of the adult population. Maybe, I'm wrong in not wanting to answer a question about how I feel about my dad beating my mom in front of me, either. Its not uncommon for reporters doing these kinds of stories. Just like, its not uncommon for people to refrain from answering questions from a reporter. They're not under oath. I will give the reporter credit for doing his homework. I also give him credit for disclosing that Brandon may have been following the advice of his PR person in the end. I never blamed the reporter for doing his job. Just like, I don't blame Brandon for his irrational behavior. I do blame people for jumping on people who have an admitted problem. Brandon admits he has issues and is trying to heal himself.
Uber Member
Posts: 13582

« Reply #14 on: June 25, 2012, 05:33:54 pm »


And today Brandon is trashing the WR coaches he had in Miami
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