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Author Topic: This is the year that Tebow gets exposed.  (Read 21215 times)
Uber Member
Posts: 13582

« Reply #75 on: August 29, 2012, 06:14:55 pm »

There are a ton of players far worse than Tebow, yet this board- in the face of most of the rest of the country loving the guy- seems to just relish in tearing him down. I don't get it. -EK

Because he plays for the Stinkin NY Jets now!!! This is a Dolphins board! We HATE THE NY JETS!!!! Like asking Red Sox fans why they enjoy tearing down ARod and Jeter so much! Because they play for the enemy!! The bitter rival! The long-time rival! Every time he fails this year on the field for Rex and Tony I and others here are gonna love it!

And last year we got on him because people like you (the Tebow apologists), no matter how bad he played or how lucky he got, wouldn't just admit he was lucky in a given week. Or he played like crap for 56 min and only showed up for the final 4. Or even worse you tried to tell us he is a "one in a million talent" and a "Top 10 NFL QB". Instead of just being honest and saying something like..." I like the guy and boy he gets lucky a lot", you tried making him and portraying him into something he wasn't, isn't, and never will be! A quality NFL QB! And all of us called you out on it.

We got no problem with you liking the guy and cheering for him ( I find it odd for a Fins fan to cheer for a Jets QB, but to each their own.)  But you can't tell us NOT to tear him down when he plays for the Jets. Or say criticizing him is somehow off limits. He is just another player who has to put up with it.  And you don't have to read the thread or be active in it either. If you don't like reading Negative-Tebow posts, just skip the thread!
GameDay Trolls
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Posts: 2955

« Reply #76 on: August 29, 2012, 06:32:31 pm »

quote author=MikeO link=topic=20377.msg264634#msg264634 date=1346278495]
But you can't tell us NOT to tear him down when he plays for the Jets. Or say criticizing him is somehow off limits.

I actually never said either of those things. I asked WHY people hate the guy so much, and have yet to get anything that's not fanatical for an answer.

And you don't have to read the thread or be active in it either. If you don't like reading Negative-Tebow posts, just skip the thread!

The same way you don't have to respond to anything I say that you don't like. See how that works both ways? -E

But you can't tell us NOT to tear him down when he plays for the Jets. Or say criticizing him is somehow off limits. [/quote]

I actually never said either of those things. I asked WHY people hate the guy so much, and have yet to get anything that's not fanatical for an answer.

And you don't have to read the thread or be active in it either. If you don't like reading Negative-Tebow posts, just skip the thread!

The same way you don't have to respond to anything I say that you don't like. See how that works both ways? -EK
« Last Edit: August 29, 2012, 06:35:14 pm by EKnight » Logged
Uber Member
Posts: 13582

« Reply #77 on: August 29, 2012, 06:50:23 pm »

  Nobody else is asking for the Anti-Tebow posts to stop!
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Bay Area Niner-Hater

« Reply #78 on: August 29, 2012, 06:50:49 pm »

There are literally hundreds of NFL players as bad or wrose than him, who don't get the hate he gets. No multiple threads about how much they suck. No articles written about how bad their arms are or how they can't hit the side of a barn. Why?
I would imagine for the same reason that there are plenty of NFL players that are better than Tebow, and yet do not have ESPN running multiple segments celebrating their birthday.

When the media goes crazy over a player (any player), there will be a contingent of contrarian fans that object.  This much is certain.  It's bad enough when that kind of excessive coverage is on a multiple-MVP league champion like Tom Brady, or LeBron James, or Albert Pujols.  But when it's for a player who hasn't really even done anything of note... well, you get the result that you see here now.

GameDay Trolls
Uber Member
Posts: 2955

« Reply #79 on: August 29, 2012, 06:52:10 pm »

But nobody else here is bitching about negative Tebow posts   Roll Eyes  Nobody else is asking for the Anti-Tebow posts to stop!


I actually do agree with EK on one thing, another TEBOW HATE thread was probably not needed. We need to have one official Tebow Hate thread for all year and have it pinned/sticky-ed to the top of the forum. So we all have a place to pile on week after week without having to start a new thread week after week. And if you are gonna go in that thread you know what you are getting... Tebow Hate.

GameDay Trolls
Uber Member
Posts: 2955

« Reply #80 on: August 29, 2012, 06:53:58 pm »

I would imagine for the same reason that there are plenty of NFL players that are better than Tebow, and yet do not have ESPN running multiple segments celebrating their birthday.

When the media goes crazy over a player (any player), there will be a contingent of contrarian fans that object.  This much is certain.  It's bad enough when that kind of excessive coverage is on a multiple-MVP league champion like Tom Brady, or LeBron James, or Albert Pujols.  But when it's for a player who hasn't really even done anything of note... well, you get the result that you see here now.

Why is it "bad enough" though? This goes back to my original question which no one has yet to answer- can't anybody just be happy for someone's success without acting like a four year old whose neighbor in the next play pen got more candy than they did? -EK
Uber Member
Posts: 13582

« Reply #81 on: August 29, 2012, 06:54:29 pm »



I said lets make 1 GIANT Anti-Tebow thread and sticky it/pin it to the top of the forum! I wasn't trying to STOP anti-Tebow talk. I am encouraging it! LOL LOL Bad example you used there!
« Reply #82 on: August 29, 2012, 06:57:55 pm »

But nobody else here is bitching about negative Tebow posts   Roll Eyes  Nobody else is asking for the Anti-Tebow posts to stop!



I said lets make 1 GIANT Anti-Tebow thread and sticky it/pin it to the top of the forum! I wasn't trying to STOP anti-Tebow talk. I am encouraging it! LOL LOL Bad example you used there!

Again, another thread with a great topic for football conversation gets derailed because of these pissing contests between the two of you.  I thought Maine told one of you to go this way <----------- and the other to go that way ----------->.   

Pretty please, give it a rest.
GameDay Trolls
Uber Member
Posts: 2955

« Reply #83 on: August 29, 2012, 07:02:44 pm »

I have to honestly say Mike is right on this one. No one has started name calling or insult slinging. Pretty tame debate for the most part, considering who is involved. -EK
Uber Member
Posts: 13582

« Reply #84 on: August 29, 2012, 07:05:51 pm »

I have to honestly say Mike is right on this one. No one has started name calling or insult slinging. Pretty tame debate for the most part, considering who is involved. -EK

Thank you! Actually we have been very peaceful and respectful towards each other the past 2 weeks and I hope it continues!
GameDay Trolls
Uber Member
Posts: 2955

« Reply #85 on: August 29, 2012, 07:07:37 pm »

Buried hatchet? -EK
« Reply #86 on: August 29, 2012, 07:13:36 pm »

Don 't be a drama queen Landshark, this is nothing but a football debate. Spider is in it as well as is the owner of the site!.

You start more petty crap with these posts honestly. Making a mountain out of a molehill!

I have to honestly say Mike is right on this one. No one has started name calling or insult slinging. Pretty tame debate for the most part, considering who is involved. -EK

Hello pot.  A Mr. Kettle is on the phone.  Calling me a drama queen is a little extreme when you're posting dumbass comments like this:

Why is it "bad enough" though? This goes back to my original question which no one has yet to answer- can't anybody just be happy for someone's success without acting like a four year old whose neighbor in the next play pen got more candy than they did? -EK

But nobody else here is bitching about negative Tebow posts   Roll Eyes  Nobody else is asking for the Anti-Tebow posts to stop!

Comments like this cause threads to get locked because the thread is going OFF TOPIC
« Last Edit: August 29, 2012, 10:41:52 pm by Landshark » Logged
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Posts: 16024

Bay Area Niner-Hater

« Reply #87 on: August 29, 2012, 08:20:19 pm »

Why is it "bad enough" though? This goes back to my original question which no one has yet to answer- can't anybody just be happy for someone's success without acting like a four year old whose neighbor in the next play pen got more candy than they did? -EK
This would be a reasonable post if the topic were "this is the year that Belichick gets exposed", but that is not the topic.

The problem that people have with Tebow is that the amount of attention being showered on him is not commensurate with his accomplishments.  Now if you want to argue that people should just be happy for all the coverage he's getting (regardless of whether or not they think he deserves it)... honestly, that position is ridiculous.  That's like asking Cleveland Cavalier fans to Just Be Happy that LeBron finally won a title.

Uber Member
Posts: 4638

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

« Reply #88 on: August 30, 2012, 01:38:35 am »

If Tebow converts to tight end or fullback would anyone change their opinion of him?

I think he would make a great TE or FB.
GameDay Trolls
Uber Member
Posts: 2955

« Reply #89 on: August 30, 2012, 09:38:49 am »

This would be a reasonable post if the topic were "this is the year that Belichick gets exposed", but that is not the topic.

The problem that people have with Tebow is that the amount of attention being showered on him is not commensurate with his accomplishments.  Now if you want to argue that people should just be happy for all the coverage he's getting (regardless of whether or not they think he deserves it)... honestly, that position is ridiculous.  That's like asking Cleveland Cavalier fans to Just Be Happy that LeBron finally won a title.

Riiiiiiiiight. Because juxtaposing a guy who is nationally one of the most popular players in the NFL with a guy who is nationally one of the most disliked players in his sport is a valid comparison. Talk about ridiculous. -EK
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