I read this this morning and came away reminded that politics are so destructive that even when parties agree, it is almost useless. Case in point. The teachers strike in Chicago.
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is opposed to the strike and is calling for an end
Mitt Romney is opposed to the strike and is calling for an end
Monday, Romney released a statement expressing disappointment in the union's decision to strike, saying the group was putting self-interest ahead of students and parents. He also implicated Obama, saying the president has long sided with the unions, which are reliable sources of Democratic political donations.
Paul Ryan is opposed to the strike and is calling for an end and endorses Rahm Emanual's opinion on the matter.
"Rahm and I have not agreed on every issue or on a lot of issues, but Mayor Emanuel is right today in saying that this teachers' union strike is unnecessary and wrong," Mitt Romney's running mate said at a campaign fund-raiser in Portland, Oregon.
"We know that Rahm is not going to support our campaign, but on this issue and this day we stand with Mayor Rahm Emanuel," Ryan continued.
President Obama has yet to make an official opinion according to the White house
White House spokesman Jay Carney said on Monday that Obama had yet to make an assessment on the walkout, but that the president's chief concern is for students and families affected by the strike.
One would think this is a good sign of finding common ground yet it won't happen. Obama can't attack the Union as he counts on it for support. Emanual doesn't want to accept the Republicans support because he says it is political and an attempt to hurt the president's image.
"While I appreciate his lip service, what really counts is what we're doing here and I don't give two hoots about national comments scoring political points or trying to embarrass or whatever the president," Emanuel said at a news conference
In the end ... there may be some truth to that but the fact they do agree with him gets lost.
The big issue for me is this .... In a world where every decision is based on manipulation (politics) how can we continue to grow and move forward? If every decision is essentially another thing to cause division won't we just eventually eat ourselves?