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Author Topic: Are we are creating a major dependency class?  (Read 29804 times)
Uber Member
Posts: 1218

« Reply #135 on: September 25, 2012, 09:17:37 pm »

Republicans too liberal?

Huh ?
Uber Member
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« Reply #136 on: September 26, 2012, 02:27:43 am »

Although I'm sure they exist, I have ever have witnessed rednecks with Nascar plates, hunting rifles, or sushi purchasing food on EBT cards. I cannot attest to that.

You cannot attest to the majority of recipients either, yet this has not prevented you from condemning the whole lot based on a small sample of anecdotal evidence.
I have seen many whites abuse the welfare/food stamp/unemployment system too, yet I do not assume they are all doing it. I know there are people who have turned to the system since the recession as a last resort, because they have pride and tried to overcome their problems on their own.
But as you do not think that the economic meltdown and years in a slump have anything to do with this issue. Funny that public assistance was not near the issue it is this election cycle, since there were not tens of millions of new people on the rolls since 2008.
CF DolFan
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« Reply #137 on: September 26, 2012, 08:41:54 am »

Funny that public assistance was not near the issue it is this election cycle, since there were not tens of millions of new people on the rolls since 2008.
That's an assumption. I'd be interested to see the numbers. Considering the number of people who have taken themselves out of the job looking market I have a very hard time believing that.

badger ... trust me, there are many NASCAR fans collecting food stamps and WIC assistance. I'll go one farther. There are a bunch of WWE fans doing the same. 

Getting offended by something you see on the internet is like choosing to step in dog shite instead of walking around it.
« Reply #138 on: September 26, 2012, 09:01:06 am »

badger ... trust me, there are many NASCAR fans collecting food stamps and WIC assistance. I'll go one farther. There are a bunch of WWE fans doing the same. 

Then how can they afford to go to all the races/wrestling events?
el diablo
« Reply #139 on: September 26, 2012, 09:21:35 am »

That's an assumption. I'd be interested to see the numbers. Considering the number of people who have taken themselves out of the job looking market I have a very hard time believing that.

badger ... trust me, there are many NASCAR fans collecting food stamps and WIC assistance. I'll go one farther. There are a bunch of WWE fans doing the same. 

Which goes back to the original question. I find it comical that the first thing people attack are the lifetime welfare recipients. If I was 50+ and the job I had disappeared, I would find it difficult to start over. I'm not saying that it would be impossible. But if you retrain at 55, who's going to hire you at the entry level? We buy into a dream that says, "if you work hard, you will be rewarded." Really? Because there are a whole bunch of people who worked hard, and now find themselves being the target for public scorn. Why? Because the very same institution that created this mess, is now trying to tell the public that these "freeloaders" are bleeding "us" dry. In case you didn't know, I'm talking about congress. They set up free trade agreements. They incentivize corporations to export jobs. They destroy the middle class, and then blame the poor. The very same poor they lock up or send overseas to protect "their" interests. This influx of the "dependency" class is a result. Not a cause.
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« Reply #140 on: September 26, 2012, 09:22:51 am »

I'm not old, angry, or Republican.

I'll give you two out of three. Since you complain about the old people at work making you work harder and say you are voting third party I guess you know which one is in dispute.
el diablo
« Reply #141 on: September 26, 2012, 09:23:33 am »

Then how can they afford to go to all the races/wrestling events?

I spent $10 to spend 5 days in the infield at Daytona. Just saying.
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« Reply #142 on: September 26, 2012, 09:25:19 am »

You lived on $2 a day. Your firends or family must really like you.
Uber Member
Posts: 1218

« Reply #143 on: September 26, 2012, 01:52:17 pm »

You cannot attest to the majority of recipients either, yet this has not prevented you from condemning the whole lot based on a small sample of anecdotal evidence.

Like I have said before, all that I can attest to is what I have seen and continue to see with my own eyes in person. The thread is, "Are we creating a major dependency class ?" You see, I am not condemning blacks, whites, blues, or greens. I am saying that the system should not let anyone use food stamps to eat steak, lobster, ect.  I am also saying that the system should be purposefully uncomfortable for everyone that uses the system. Additionally, I am saying that the system should be more like the WIC program, in that it has a moderate and limited amount of healthy staple items that would be purchased by everyone using taxpayer assistance. In other words, no junk food. This would give people an incentive to upgrade their menu, help with food stamp fraud, and should help with the health issues of eating too much junk food. So who is being condemned ?

I have seen many whites abuse the welfare/food stamp/unemployment system too, yet I do not assume they are all doing it.

I don't dispute that, I'll take you at your word. Again, if you were not paying attention, read to the following.

Although I'm sure they exist, I have ever have witnessed rednecks with Nascar plates, hunting rifles, or sushi purchasing food on EBT cards. I cannot attest to that.

I know there are people who have turned to the system since the recession as a last resort, because they have pride and tried to overcome their problems on their own.

Good for them...

But as you do not think that the economic meltdown and years in a slump have anything to do with this issue. Funny that public assistance was not near the issue it is this election cycle, since there were not tens of millions of new people on the rolls since 2008.

Public assistance has always been a problem. To make it seem like it just started is just plain silly. If that was the case  and public assistance was not an issue until now, the Welfare reform act that spider mentioned wouldn't have ever been needed. The fact is that with this governments debt we are at the tipping point and we can't afford to let government waste continue. That is why it is an issue.
Uber Member
Posts: 1218

« Reply #144 on: September 26, 2012, 01:52:26 pm »

badger ... trust me, there are many NASCAR fans collecting food stamps and WIC assistance. I'll go one farther. There are a bunch of WWE fans doing the same. 

I'm quite sure there are. I have a friend that was getting food stamps in 2 states at once. He had to take himself off of food stamps in his former state of residence. That went on for 2-2.5 years. And get this, he was a honky. So like I said, I'm know that white people abuse the system, not sure why this keeps coming up.
Uber Member
Posts: 1218

« Reply #145 on: September 26, 2012, 01:52:35 pm »

I'll give you two out of three. Since you complain about the old people at work making you work harder and say you are voting third party I guess you know which one is in dispute.

More assumptions, twisting words out of context for your own agenda . But please continue, what can I clarify for you ?
Global Moderator
Uber Member
Posts: 15729

« Reply #146 on: September 26, 2012, 06:01:15 pm »

More assumptions, twisting words out of context for your own agenda . But please continue, what can I clarify for you ?

You do not need to clarify a thing. Just about everyone on this board (even people who agree with your stances of welfare abuse) can sense the anger behind your posts. We could start a poll but I assume the mods would consider it an attack.
Uber Member
Posts: 1218

« Reply #147 on: September 26, 2012, 07:20:21 pm »

You do not need to clarify a thing. Just about everyone on this board (even people who agree with your stances of welfare abuse) can sense the anger behind your posts. We could start a poll but I assume the mods would consider it an attack.

^^^^^Is that your official clairvoyant internet anger meter or an assumption ? Also, before speaking on everyone's behalf, did you speak to everyone on this board (even people the people that agree with my stances) to verify if they possess the internet anger meter you speak of, that allows them to sense the anger behind my posts ? Or would that be another assumption ? I'm sure that all your little buddies around here will now all pile on and agree with you and back you up now that you have made your silly assumptions, but it really doesn't matter because at that point it will be more transparent than it already is. If it gets you off to call me angry, have at it and enjoy little fella. But know this, what you think and your opinion of me means nothing to me, you are nothing to me, and you are nothing in life. Now go try to bully someone else or proceed sir, your choice.

^^^^All said with a smile while LMFAO Grin, hope you have an incredibly angry evening Angry, take care......

Uber Member
Posts: 1218

« Reply #148 on: September 26, 2012, 08:03:45 pm »

On a related note, I was speaking with a female friend today and casually asked her about some of the stuff that in this thread. She told me her personal story. When she had her first child she went and signed up for WIC and was approved. Sometime around that time she became unemployed and went to apply for food stamps. She qualified for every thing they asked for except when they asked if she had a car. She did, she had a car that was financed and she was behind a payment. They told her that since she had a car in her name that she did not qualify for food stamps. BUT if she could put the car in someone else's name or sell it to a family member for a dollar that she would qualify and that she could still use and get her car back later. In the end, due to the car being financed and past due, she couldn't put it in another persons name. So they gave her a $50 dollar food voucher that could only be redeemed at 2 stores in town. Where were these 2 stores ? Not just the poor area, the most absolutely shitty part of town that anyone would ever go to. I wonder why that is ?

Now I have to things that I don't understand.

Why would a financed car count against you for food stamps ? It is a debt not an asset.

Why would case workers explain to someone how to fraudulently transfer a vehicle in order to exploit the system ?

Global Moderator
Uber Member
Posts: 15729

« Reply #149 on: September 27, 2012, 09:46:46 am »

^^^^^Is that your official clairvoyant internet anger meter or an assumption ? Also, before speaking on everyone's behalf, did you speak to everyone on this board (even people the people that agree with my stances) to verify if they possess the internet anger meter you speak of, that allows them to sense the anger behind my posts ? Or would that be another assumption ? I'm sure that all your little buddies around here will now all pile on and agree with you and back you up now that you have made your silly assumptions, but it really doesn't matter because at that point it will be more transparent than it already is. If it gets you off to call me angry, have at it and enjoy little fella. But know this, what you think and your opinion of me means nothing to me, you are nothing to me, and you are nothing in life. Now go try to bully someone else or proceed sir, your choice.

^^^^All said with a smile while LMFAO Grin, hope you have an incredibly angry evening Angry, take care......

I stand corrected. No hostility in any of this "little fella"
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