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Author Topic: Food stamp foods  (Read 13400 times)
Uber Member
Posts: 1348

Dan the Dolphin

« Reply #45 on: September 25, 2012, 11:42:09 am »

How long will it be before the government steps in and outlaws McDonald's then?  One of the most notoriously unhealthy food chains serves billions of people every month in this country.  Ever think maybe that dollar menu is making people fat?  Why is it OK to regulate what you buy at the grocery store, but this company is allowed to serve 1000-calorie sandwiches with no repercussions?

The government needs less regulation, not more. Where will it ever end??? Like I said before, let people buy whatever food they want with food stamps. When it is gone, it's gone. Apparently the govt. believes they need to make decisions for us and we are too stupid to make decisions on our own.

As far as Mickey D's....I applaud them for being one of the first to display nutritional info on their products. Let people get the information and decide for themselves. 

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Uber Member
Posts: 1218

« Reply #46 on: September 25, 2012, 02:23:00 pm »

So the greatest economic downturn since the Great Depression, and the loss of millions of jobs, had nothing to do with increased people getting food stamps in the last four years?

This has nothing to do with the topic. I have no problems with people getting food stamps that need them. I have a problem with those people eating better than working Americans. And I also have a problem with them eating a bunch of unhealthy bullshit that is only going to add more cost on the health care system. It's a catch 22 on both ends of the spectrum. Give them the very basic nutrition and let them decide if they want to better themselves.

How long will it be before the government steps in and outlaws McDonald's then?  One of the most notoriously unhealthy food chains serves billions of people every month in this country.  Ever think maybe that dollar menu is making people fat?  Why is it OK to regulate what you buy at the grocery store, but this company is allowed to serve 1000-calorie sandwiches with no repercussions?

Well, I do find it kind of odd that food stamp recipients can buy whatever they want. But they limit people on the WIC program. Obama's wife is regulating what kids can eat in school, even if you pay for it. SHIT, even in some instances, if you bring your lunch they are trying to regulate it. Not to mention the government trying to regulate the serving size of soda for adults that pay for it. But recipients of taxpayer subsidized food stamps get free reign. How fucked up is this country ?
YJFF Member
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« Reply #47 on: September 25, 2012, 08:10:25 pm »

There are more restrictions than just edible and non-edible.

For example, you can get a turkey sub at publix on food stamps but you cannot gt a chicken tender or philly cheese steak sub. You cannot get a hot chicken from the deli but you can get one that was cooked then chilled.

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« Reply #48 on: September 26, 2012, 01:38:21 am »

That is consistent with the laws on taxable food in California; anything that is sold hot has sales tax applied, while foods that are sold unheated (even if cooked previously) are not taxed.  (Additionally, any food to be eaten on premises is taxed.)

Given that, it makes sense that taxable food (i.e. prepared for immediate consumption) would not be eligible for food stamps.

Uber Member
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« Reply #49 on: September 26, 2012, 02:21:22 am »

This has nothing to do with the topic. I have no problems with people getting food stamps that need them. I have a problem with those people eating better than working Americans. And I also have a problem with them eating a bunch of unhealthy bullshit that is only going to add more cost on the health care system. It's a catch 22 on both ends of the spectrum. Give them the very basic nutrition and let them decide if they want to better themselves.

Of course it does. The reason the rolls have swollen is the recession. You are painting every single recipient off of one receipt....one!! That is hardly enough evidence to draw a valid conclusion or hypothesis. You also act as if people can just decide one day that they will get a job today and their problems will be solved quickly.
You have brought little to none evidence or logic to substantiate your claims or stance. You are just pissed because you happen to have a job and have bought the lie that everyone on public aid is doing so because they do not want to improve themselves. Which is far from the case. It is the same mentality you have displayed here that has led states to enact drug testing for welfare, and guess what, they found few people are sitting at home getting high. But it has wasted a lot of money for thousands of drug tests.
I would buy some of your claims if you can produce some actual evidence that the majority of food stamp recipients are living high on the hog and eating better than most working Americans.
YJFF Member
Uber Member
Posts: 3174

« Reply #50 on: September 26, 2012, 04:08:40 pm »

That is consistent with the laws on taxable food in California; anything that is sold hot has sales tax applied, while foods that are sold unheated (even if cooked previously) are not taxed.  (Additionally, any food to be eaten on premises is taxed.)

Given that, it makes sense that taxable food (i.e. prepared for immediate consumption) would not be eligible for food stamps.

Not the case in FL - a sub is taxed no matter if it's a hot one or cold one. If it's purchased on FS, the tax is forgiven

I'm the girl that makes men jealous of my husband

I hate Red Sox and Patriots bandwagon fans. They give the rest of us a bad name
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