Jim Gray
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Posts: 2654
'72 - The Perfect Season
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2012, 02:35:25 pm » |
I've seen every game, multiple times. I DVR the game and start watching 1 hr after kickoff so I can skip commercials and half time. It usually works out that I'm watching the final few minutes in real time. I feel I miss so much watching the game, I usually watch it once more after reading what all the talking heads have to say. I look for things I missed, or watch how a particular player does. I'll fast forward through some of the drives.
I haven't watched the Rams game a 2nd time yet, but I will try and watch it tonight. I plan to focus on the offensive line and pay particular attention to how Jake Long plays, since he seems to be getting criticism. I also want to see what kind of push we are getting and who is being pushed back on pass and running plays.
Added - It's fun to re-watch a game we win, and I don't mind watching games we lose big. It's the close games we lose that are brutal the 2nd time around. You see just how small mistakes end up costing you a victory.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2012, 06:12:15 pm by Jim Gray »
el diablo
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2012, 06:08:22 pm » |
Watched 1 on TV. Heard 4 on the radio.
« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2012, 10:04:00 am » |
Watched the Jets game cuz it was on local TV, but that's about it. I like 4pm games cuz when i get to work at 6pm i can catch the 2nd half.
You said previously that you work for ESPN. What do you do there and what hours do you work? It seems that you work late hours.