« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2013, 06:53:09 pm » |
I wonder how many people will exchange it for a Tebow jersey.
Will one even be made?
« Reply #11 on: June 28, 2013, 10:08:03 pm » |
Wait why just Hernandez? If someone owns a Welker or Lloyd jersey or whoever is no longer on the team they should be able to swap that out too. I won't knock the Pats for doing this but they should have took it a step further. Any jersey of a guy who isn't on team you should be able to swap out!! Now that is giving something back to your fanbase.
What they are doing is just trying to erase Hernandez's name from their history and act like he was never there. So when CBS shoots a crowd shot going into a commercial next year you don't see any 81 Jerseys's. If they really cared about their fan base let them swap out a Welker jersey or a Lloyd jersey too!
Welker and Lloyd aren't facing murder charges. Enough said.