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Author Topic: Laundry Topic...  (Read 2739 times)
« on: July 08, 2013, 12:23:15 pm »

I catch articles here and there talking about,you don't need to wash certain articles of clothes every time you wear it.Some people in random question threads over the years mention certain days they do laundry...

So here's a list of laundry questions...Sorry it's a Monday,after along weekend....
How often do you do laundry?

How many times do you wear something before you wash it? What is the determining factor for you? (appearance,smell,really want to wear the item?)

What laundry detergent do you like the best?

What laundry detergent you don't like?

My take...
I tend to do a lot of little loads,as I hate to have laundry stack up. Most things 1 wear,and wash....Some exceptions,if I wore it for an hour...A dress shirt and tie, I needed to wear to a meeting,and come home.I wear two shirts when I do this the dress shirt might be worn again...

I switched from Purex,to Gain when I bought the new high efficiency washer,and needed HE detergent...I'm not a fan of Tide, haven't used it in years,but it tends to be expensive,and it used to make me itchy...

Lately,My washing machine has been humming almost constantly,in my battle with fleas this year.I'm having a terrible problems this year,and have been washing couch covers,dog beds,and my linens 2-3 times a week.Long story...
« Last Edit: July 08, 2013, 12:35:31 pm by Lil B » Logged
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« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2013, 12:31:03 pm »

I do laundry when everything gets dirty usually.

Shirts pretty much only get worn once. There are exceptions though (shirt only worn for an hour or so or a nightime/sleeping shirt if it is chilly). Shorts and pants I wear a few times before washing (excpetions include if I was working and sweating in them).

I also use Gain and sometimes All detergent. I also had issues with Tide making me itchy. I typically use Downy for fabric softener.
Brian Fein
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« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2013, 12:46:29 pm »

Sometimes I will re-wear previous clothes to the gym, because I go there to sweat.  It goes in the laundry after that.  I can save on washing if I wear previously worn clothing to sweat in, as long as they don't have stains and stuff.  I sometimes will wear jeans a couple times before washing, again, as long as they aren't stinky and stained.

Underwear and socks - 1 wear only.  Shirts and shorts, for the most part, are also 1 wear only except fro the aforementioned gym use.

I have started using the Tide Pods.  Love them.  Really convenient and not noticeably more money.  Recommended.
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« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2013, 10:04:05 am »

Friday is laundry day.

For the most part I wear one set of clothes all day and then throw them in the laundry basket.  The exception to this would be work pants/shirts (depending on how many I have) or if I say only threw a shirt on (Summertime) to go to the convenience store or something where I only wore it an hour or two.

I have to do three loads because there's a woman in the house.  Whites, Lights and everything else.  Normally you just do whites/bleached items and everything else but apparently bras are special so I have to wash them in a separate load with the "lights..."

I also have to do the whites first because apparently that's what is appropriate laundry procedure to Mrs. Fin.

I don't have a favorite washing detergent, although we've always used Era.  Now if there were a generic or Tide was on sale and did the same exact thing I'd probably switch to it. 

HOWEVER... WE MUST BUY SNUGGLE FABRIC SOFTENER.  IT'S A MORAL IMPERATIVE.  BECAUSE I LIKE THE WAY IT SMELLS.  They're my goddamn sheets and I really like Snuggle.  Plus I grew up on the Snuggle Bear.

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Brian Fein
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« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2013, 10:23:28 am »

Let me ask this...  This has been a hot topic in my office. 

In our job we travel a lot internationally, most times to China.  I have one particular coworker who has gotten our senior management fired up because he spend hundreds of dollars on laundry.  Now, granted, doing laundry in Chinese hotels isn't cheap - they charge roughly $8 to wash 1 pair of pants.  This guy has racked up $800-1000 each trip in laundry bills.  Trips range from 2-3 weeks.  Of course the management doesn't want to spend this money.

He says he has three outfits per day - one for the gym, one for work, and one for after work.  And then he washes them.

Is this abnormal?
Dave Gray
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« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2013, 10:32:26 am »

^ I reuse a bunch of stuff between washes.  ...but then again, I'm gross.

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« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2013, 10:57:39 am »

Let me ask this...  This has been a hot topic in my office. 

In our job we travel a lot internationally, most times to China.  I have one particular coworker who has gotten our senior management fired up because he spend hundreds of dollars on laundry.  Now, granted, doing laundry in Chinese hotels isn't cheap - they charge roughly $8 to wash 1 pair of pants.  This guy has racked up $800-1000 each trip in laundry bills.  Trips range from 2-3 weeks.  Of course the management doesn't want to spend this money.

He says he has three outfits per day - one for the gym, one for work, and one for after work.  And then he washes them.

Is this abnormal?

Absolutely not.  The price of laundry service in China is what seems outrageous to me.
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« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2013, 11:03:55 am »

I could get by with wearing some of those items several times. Is the guy a one wear/one wash type of guy? I think he could cut back a bit on the laundry bill some but in general that is not an abnormal amount of outfits in a day.
Brian Fein
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« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2013, 11:07:10 am »

Laundry is expensive at hotels in general.  Every stay at a hotel and send clothes out for laundry?  They bill comes back $80 easily, but they take it wash it fold/hang it and deliver it back.  You can send 2 pairs of jeans, 5 or 6 shirts, some underwear and socks, and that's $80.
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« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2013, 11:24:29 am »

^^^ Everything at a hotel is expensive in general. Hotels, airports, & sports venues should be ashamed.
« Reply #10 on: July 10, 2013, 04:04:18 pm »

Let me ask this...  This has been a hot topic in my office. 

In our job we travel a lot internationally, most times to China.  I have one particular coworker who has gotten our senior management fired up because he spend hundreds of dollars on laundry.  Now, granted, doing laundry in Chinese hotels isn't cheap - they charge roughly $8 to wash 1 pair of pants.  This guy has racked up $800-1000 each trip in laundry bills.  Trips range from 2-3 weeks.  Of course the management doesn't want to spend this money.

He says he has three outfits per day - one for the gym, one for work, and one for after work.  And then he washes them.

Is this abnormal?

abnormal yeah...a bit...but I'm a bit anal retentive about some things... Undecided

Hmm...I've been known to easily change my clothes 3 times or more in a day,depending on the activities,or what's happening work wise.Get up wearing my around the house shorts and t-shirt that I slept in (perhaps workout), take shower,then change into going out in public clothes.Maybe come home at lunch,to put on more formal clothes for another meeting.After that meeting,come home change into some around the house stuff to mow the lawn,do some dirty work.Might take another shower,change into some Sitting around the house shorts and t-shirt...

Doesn't China have a pollution,smog problem? I could see where someone who is not used to that type of situation,could want their stuff washed more often.Where if they were at home,they might let somethings go....
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« Reply #11 on: July 12, 2013, 03:42:03 pm »

He says he has three outfits per day - one for the gym, one for work, and one for after work.  And then he washes them.

Is this abnormal?

Regarding the expense?  That's ridiculous.  I'd be washing my clothes in the hotel sink before I pay $8 to wash a pair of pants.  That does seem a bit extensive though as far as clothes. 

I would probably have a suit to wear to work (or slacks and a golf shirt, whichever was appropriate)

There's all kinds of places there where you can turn three sets of clothes into two.  For example if you're wearing the golf shirt to work, leave it on and wear it to the gym with a pair of shorts. 

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Dave Gray
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« Reply #12 on: July 15, 2013, 10:42:04 am »

^ Absolutely.

This expense is partially justified, but also partially OCD.

You can wear clothes twice, but like BigDaddyFin said, for example: When I go to work during the day, I usually play basketball later in the same undershirt.  And I will wear a buttondown shirt (that had an undershirt) many times without a wash/press.

Also (semi-related), I try to use the same clothes multiple ways...so once with a sweater and an open-neck, once with a tie, once with black, another with brown, etc.  It's a way to get more uses out of a shirt on a trip, so that you don't have to pack as much and have as much laundry.

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