Not if we're able to repeal the 2nd amendment first . .
Who is "we"? Are you secretly the member of some extremist group that we don't know about, lol.
that by definition indicates a massive support for what i've proposed by enough people your scenario won't come to pass.
That massive support that you dream of doesn't exist and
probably never will in this country. Most people in this country support the 2nd amendment and recognize it's importance and significance. Regardless of what the media stooges tell you.
And it's not a joke. I challenge you to demonstrate a current negative impact from what I've proposed.
Taking away someone's
rights in itself is a negative. Not to mention the lack of self protection from the criminals that will still have firearms and other weapons at their disposal. How are you going to protect yourself, your wife, and your children(if you have any of these things)? What about people that are heavily invested in firearms and ammunition? Think of all the money people have invested, I assume their interests won't be grandfathered in with your "ban 'em all" laws. What about people who shoot competitively or as a hobby. What about the firearm and ammunition companies that will lose money? What about their employees that will lose their jobs? What about their shareholders that will lose money? What about the impact that it would have to national security? Don't you think that there is a reason that we have never been invaded and probably never will be? And finally, repealing the 2nd amendment would set a precedent that
our rights are negotiable. As far as I'm concerned
our rights aren't negotiable and that's what makes this country the best country in the world. Is that enough negative impact for you?