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Author Topic: Have you gone to disc-less digital media?  (Read 3655 times)
Dave Gray
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« Reply #15 on: September 18, 2013, 03:33:11 pm »

^ Lending does present a problem.  But I think that this format can bring the cost of movies and TV for everyone down to compensate.  I notice this for games now, which is partly behind why I haven't made the switch there.  Many of the games I play are borrowed from others.

I think that you just have a thinking from a different generation, Brian (which is fine -- I'm not knocking it, and in many ways, I'm there with you.) 

Just to be clear, you can download your Vudu movies and keep them locally.  But you don't have to.  Should you erase them, you can download them again, is all.  So, on my PS3 (where I watch them), I don't want to have a several gig file wasting hard drive space, so when I watch a movie a few times, I'll erase it and then can re-download it if I want to later.

I drink your milkshake!
« Reply #16 on: September 18, 2013, 04:26:19 pm »

^ Lending does present a problem.  But I think that this format can bring the cost of movies and TV for everyone down to compensate.  I notice this for games now, which is partly behind why I haven't made the switch there.  Many of the games I play are borrowed from others.

I think that you just have a thinking from a different generation, Brian (which is fine -- I'm not knocking it, and in many ways, I'm there with you.) 

Just to be clear, you can download your Vudu movies and keep them locally.  But you don't have to.  Should you erase them, you can download them again, is all.  So, on my PS3 (where I watch them), I don't want to have a several gig file wasting hard drive space, so when I watch a movie a few times, I'll erase it and then can re-download it if I want to later.

Maybe they can do movies/music like books on the Kindle.  With my Kindle, I can "lend" someone else one of the books I bought for a period of up to 14 days.  For the next 14 days, it would be available in that person's Kindle account but not mine.  Maybe iTunes will allow tracks and movies to be "lent" to other iTunes users. 
Dave Gray
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Posts: 30899

It's doo-doo, baby!

26384964 davebgray@comcast.net davebgray floridadavegray
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« Reply #17 on: September 18, 2013, 04:47:58 pm »

^ They could.  But I don't think they need to.  If you don't let people lend, but just make prices low enough so that everyone can buy for themselves, people would prefer to buy digitally.  A good example is that you can't really "lend" iTunes music....or at least you don't.  But people buy stuff on there are not really from CDs.

I think it's just a change in thinking of media as a tangible property, when it's moved more to a license.

I drink your milkshake!
Uber Member
Posts: 5568

« Reply #18 on: September 19, 2013, 11:11:42 am »

I'm far from all digital media.  About 3 or 4 years ago I bought a used machine to convert some VHS movies to dvd, still haven't done one yet, may have to skip that step and go directly to digital.  Actually, I want to setup my old turntable so I can break out the vinyl records, I kinda miss that imperfect sound, and the skipping sound when you get to the end of an LP.

BTW, I still use some 3.5" floppy disks at work to backup small files.
« Reply #19 on: September 21, 2013, 02:11:06 am »

Music- I've been digital for awhile now;I skipped the CD's and went right from Cassette tapes to digital music.I use a thumb drive to listen to music in my truck,and use Grooveshark,and Winamp on my P.C. (Slight hijack- I love to be able to listen to the whole almbum if possible,one of the big reasons I use groove shark now)

Video games-I really don't play them much anymore,so I'd say all dgital,as most of the stuff I play are old games emulated..

Movies- I'll stream the occasional movie here and there,but I'm not ready to go completely streaming.
1.)I never have seen the point have buying a huge collection of movies in the first place.I rarely watch tons of movies over,and over,and over. Ussually when they're on HBO,or Cable I'll watch them over and over.....but VHS tapes,DVD's and Blu-rays...not really...

2.) I have a slow internet connection,and can't justify the higher cost of faster internet connection for the current services available...I love my Blu rays,with their awesome picture,and sound quality ...
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