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Stop your bloodclot cryin'!
« Reply #16 on: September 20, 2013, 01:20:28 am » |
On a happier (at least personally) trade note... With Alex Smith and the Chiefs improving to 3-0 tonight, it means that KC only needs 5 more wins to turn our conditional second draft pick into another 2nd rounder. If I'm not mistaken (and I may be, I'm going off the top of my head here), I believe that would give the 49ers a 1st, 2x 2nd, 2x 3rd and 2x 5th rounders. More young blue chip beef!
"There's no such thing as objectivity. We're all just interpreting signals from the universe and trying to make sense of them. Dim, shaky, weak, staticky little signals that only hint at the complexity of a universe that we cannot begin to comprehend." ~ Micah Leggat
« Reply #21 on: September 20, 2013, 03:16:20 pm » |
I agree, but I believe that 7 thousands yards of offense and 40 TD's for a career ain't too shabby for a RB, especially in today's NFL. If Richardson can produce that over his career he'll have done well.
Not too shabby, but not elite by any means. I've pulled his stat page from NFL.com and I gotta tell ya, it doesn't validate his worthiness for being the number two overall pick. http://www.nfl.com/player/ronniebrown/2506341/careerstats
« Reply #26 on: November 11, 2013, 02:53:51 pm » |
Trent Richardson with 2 rushing yards yesterday. Had only 20 the week before. Has only had more than 60 yards once this year. He stinks. One of the worst trades ever. Give the Brownies credit they stole a first round pick!
They've stockpiled picks recently. The trouble is, they didn't pick the right players with them