There are very, very few coaches in the league that would make the 4th down call against the Colts that Belichick made in 2009. That is my measuring stick of how intimidated by the media you are: will you make a decision that you know to be correct, even if it will get you crucified in the media if it doesn't work out?
Or for that matter the 4th down call he made yesterday. But BB didn't get crucified in the media for playing his starters week 17. He would have if Brady had gotten injured, but there wasn't universal opinion that it was the wrong call. Dungy and a few others held that view, but not the majority. And it would be hard to crucify him for it while at the same time complementing Cauglin for playing his starters in the same meaningless game (Giants had the 5 seed either way)
Plus even if Fox wants to rest Peyton, Peyton doesn't want to rest and I bet Elway will side with Peyton and let him play if they have a chance at 19-0.
However, all of this will be moot when Denver gets its first loss on 11/24.