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Author Topic: I Think I Am Done  (Read 14570 times)
Uber Member
Posts: 10137

« Reply #45 on: October 22, 2013, 09:07:44 pm »

So basically you picked a team 1000 miles away rather than the home team because you wanted to root for a team that was currently winning and are going to bail on them when they aren't.

Sounds like a lot of out of town Cowboys, Steelers, and Yankee fans.

The Giants won the Super Bowl when I went to the Dolphins. Also, I was 9.
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Posts: 15714

« Reply #46 on: October 23, 2013, 09:21:34 am »

It was definitely an advantage that we used to start off strong every year and no one complained because it was "our" advantage.

I would not say I complained but I did raise the question if dealing with the intense heat and the amounts of dehydration associated with it may have led to some of the late season breakdowns. I know that up to a point using the heat just as using the cold is a home field advantage. But that is a game by game scenario. Other teams had to face it once. Miami was in it every day of practice and every home game. Their bodies go through the punishment infinitely more than the opponents. And there has been a history of late season poor play (more recently it has been throughout the season though). I cannot prove there is cause but there is definitely correlation.
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« Reply #47 on: October 23, 2013, 09:32:29 am »

I would not say I complained but I did raise the question if dealing with the intense heat and the amounts of dehydration associated with it may have led to some of the late season breakdowns. I know that up to a point using the heat just as using the cold is a home field advantage. But that is a game by game scenario. Other teams had to face it once. Miami was in it every day of practice and every home game. Their bodies go through the punishment infinitely more than the opponents. And there has been a history of late season poor play (more recently it has been throughout the season though). I cannot prove there is cause but there is definitely correlation.

Two possibles to explain the "late season breakdowns"

1) Yours -- playing in the heat in Sept. resulting in lingering dehydration that resulted in losses in Dec. 

2) The heat was such a huge home field adv. that the Dolphins beat teams at home in Sept that they would have lost to on a neutral field or in cooler weather.  And the Dolphins are so poorly accumulated to cold weather that they lost to teams they could have beaten if the weather wasn't so cold.   ....  Thus it appeared the team was breaking down, when in reality they had an adv. in the hot and a disadv in the cold and the seasons were changing. 
« Last Edit: October 23, 2013, 02:15:01 pm by MyGodWearsAHoodie » Logged

There are two rules for success:
 1. Never tell everything you know.
CF DolFan
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« Reply #48 on: October 23, 2013, 01:05:11 pm »

Two possibles to explain the "late season breakdowns"

1) Yours playing in the heat in Sept. resulting in lingering dehydration that resulted in losses in Dec. 

2) The heat was such a huge home field adv. that the Dolphins beat teams at home in Sept that they would have lost to on a neutral field or in cooler weather.  And the Dolphins are so poorly accumulated to cold weather that they lost to teams they could have beaten if the weather wasn't so cold.   ....  Thus it appeared the team was breaking down, when in reality they had an adv. in the hot and a disadv in the cold and the seasons were changing. 
I think, like the Denver game, we won games in the heat we shouldn't have. Going into the end of the season we were more on par to what we were. I don't remember specifically playing worse than the players we had.

Getting offended by something you see on the internet is like choosing to step in dog shite instead of walking around it.
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