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Author Topic: Philbin press conference.  (Read 13666 times)
GameDay Trolls
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Posts: 2955

« Reply #60 on: November 05, 2013, 06:15:38 pm »

and embarrasses players for not having used the restroom prior to coming to practice.

This is EXACTLY the kind of thing a person would do who would side with Cognito and tell Martin to man up. Not "out of character" at all.

The article I mentioned is also not just ONE article. Correct or incorrect, I'm not speculating on, but mainstream media everywhere has picked up on the fact that Martin went to Philbin in April and tried to talk about this. If Philbin really had no knowledge, why does he refuse to answer questions addressing it directly?

Is this the same blind love that Saints fans had defending their coach when he was headhunting other teams? -EK
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Bay Area Niner-Hater

« Reply #61 on: November 05, 2013, 06:29:23 pm »

I take that back, I was discussing this with my daughter who happened to be a nanny and she said this is exactly what she was taught in school and would tell any of her kids. If you are bullied, you don't confront the bully, you tell someone in authority and they will handle it for you.
And as anyone who has ever been bullied in school as a child can tell you, this doesn't work.  PARTICULARLY in the case of children.

Pappy, you seem to be on an incredible run of victim blaming.  First you say that he should have told the authorities, then when it's made clear that he had, you say that he should have told the authorities earlier, then when it comes out that he told the head coach of the football team OVER SIX MONTHS AGO you ask why he didn't go to... the police?

At what point do you assign responsibility to Incognito or Philbin?

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Bay Area Niner-Hater

« Reply #62 on: November 05, 2013, 06:33:48 pm »

I don't, but to believe that you have to believe that Philbin was lieing when he said that Martin never mentioned it to him.
You mean like when Philbin said that he spoke with Martin one-on-one right after Martin left the team, but that he (Philbin) had no clue of what was going on until nearly a week later?

If he didn't know what was happening, he is incompetent.  If he did, he is complicit.

You'd also have to believe that Philbin was acting COMPLETELY out of character for him. He's the kind of guy that picks up wrappers off the field, chides QB's for not having their shoelaces tied and embarrasses players for not having used the restroom prior to coming to practice. You honestly think he just ignored racial and threatening voice mails from team mates?
I hear Joe Paterno was also pretty strict on the practice field.

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« Reply #63 on: November 05, 2013, 06:36:54 pm »

Not being told the full story by Martin does not show any imcompetence from Philbin at all.

Disclaimer: I have no idea what Martin told him. You are making an absolute statement without any facts though.
Uber Member
Posts: 13582

« Reply #64 on: November 05, 2013, 06:38:45 pm »

Philbin is paid to win games. As I said yesterday, if Miami wins 8 or 9 or more games.....nobody will care whether he handled the Jonathan Martin situation correctly. It's a non issue! If Miami falls apart and ends with 4-6 wins or something then he is in trouble anyway and this is just another thing to have against him and can build a case for firing him.
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Bay Area Niner-Hater

« Reply #65 on: November 05, 2013, 06:48:50 pm »

Not being told the full story by Martin does not show any imcompetence from Philbin at all.

Disclaimer: I have no idea what Martin told him. You are making an absolute statement without any facts though.
Martin said he spoke to Philbin about this in April.  Philbin apparently did not follow up on it or just brushed it under the rug.  Maybe Martin was vague and Philbin had his JoePa "shucks, I only know about football" glasses on.  Fine.

Martin storms out on the team in the middle of a short week.  Philbin has a one-on-one with him.  At this point, it should be obvious to any reasonably competent coach (given that your starting lineup is now being affected) that there is a problem in your locker room.  But according to Philbin, as far as he knew (AFTER meeting with Martin!), there was no problem.  Even though his starting right tackle is holding himself out of the game over it.

Incompetence or complicity; I think Philbin is too smart for it to be the former.

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Posts: 11671

« Reply #66 on: November 06, 2013, 09:21:39 am »

Okay - we are morphing about three subjects from four threads "out there" into this one.  Additionally, while this one is "simmering" - there are tones here that are becoming a little...well...uncomfortable .  This one has run it's course.  We're going in circles.  Good talk, but we're closing shop on this one. 

"God is a comedian, playing to an audience too afraid to laugh."
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