Outside the locker room: They're grown men. As long as its not illegal, its not a coach's place to tell a player how he has to spend his off time. Its not college. You can strongly suggest. But at the end of the day, they're grown men.
Don't agree. If what you do outside the locker room hurts what is going on inside the locker room it is the coaches job to change it.
I have heard many times a good game comes from a good week of practice, a bad week of practice means a losing game. You can't have a good week of practice if you are practicing hung over.
Likewise, if outside the locker room a player is leaving racist voice mails for another player and that upsets the other player you are not going to have a good locker room.
When Adrian Peterson isn't at the practice facility he is still thinking about how he is going to break thru the other team's D-line. Does Richie Incognito lie in bed at night thinking about how to stop the other teams blitz or in team meeting is his mind wandering about what strip club to go to?