The problem is her story. SHe made drinks and encouraged drug use. She remembers they wanted to have sex, and did not. She remembers she was told to leave the apartment by the owner.
Somehow this turned into her being drugged and assaulted? Do you see the huge holes that make the story seem somewhat unbelievable?
Of course. This might be a lot to do about nothing when all is said and done. But lets have the investigation play out before we start name-calling a possible victim! That is fair and reasonable. IF she was assaulted or attacked then the truth will come out and if she made the whole thing up or is lying that will come out as well. Let's see what the investigation says when it is completed. Doesn't need to be a rush to proclaim one side "innocent." None of us were there and none of us know what Kapernick and those players did or didn't do. And I hope they all did nothing and are 100% innocent