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Author Topic: ESPN suspends Dan Le Batard for LeBron billboard  (Read 6149 times)
Brian Fein
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« Reply #15 on: August 08, 2014, 05:17:44 pm »

ESPN can't risk that type of relationship with Lebron.
If they didn't have LeBron to talk about, they may as well go out of business and shut the lights.  There would be nothing else to fill the airtime with.

I guess there's always Tiger Woods and Johnny Manziel...
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« Reply #16 on: August 08, 2014, 06:36:09 pm »

Michael Jordan hasn't spoke to Sports Illustrated in about 20 years. He holds a grudge for a story they did on him being a bad baseball player. ESPN can't risk that type of relationship with Lebron.

That's apples & oranges.  The NBA makes money from ESPN for television rights.  If Lebron said he wasn't going to do game interviews with ESPN then the NBA would step in and tell him he has to.  Just like in baseball when some players said they wouldn't be interviewed by Jim Gray because he harassed Pete Rose with gambling questions the one time they let Pete attend a game to be honored.  MLB stepped in and made the players do the interviews.  Whereas, the NBA doesn't need Sports Illustrated, heck does anyone even read Sports Illustrated anymore??  The last time I looked at a copy of the magazine it was filled with pictures and ads, I think its produced for illiterates.
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« Reply #17 on: August 08, 2014, 06:45:06 pm »

If Lebron said he wasn't going to do game interviews with ESPN then the NBA would step in and tell him he has to.  

ha ha you funny if you think the NBA tells Lebron what to do. It's Lebron telling the NBA what he is willing to do

Whereas, the NBA doesn't need Sports Illustrated, heck does anyone even read Sports Illustrated anymore??  The last time I looked at a copy of the magazine it was filled with pictures and ads, I think its produced for illiterates.
20 years ago pre everyone having the internet they did! Sports Illustrated was the weekly bible of sports
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« Reply #18 on: August 10, 2014, 02:10:18 pm »

ha ha you funny if you think the NBA tells Lebron what to do. It's Lebron telling the NBA what he is willing to do

You do realize the NBA stepped in and fined the Spurs because they rested their starters against the Heat at the end of a grueling road trip.  The NBA has overstepped its bounds many times and I'm sure they can and will tell Lebron what to do.

20 years ago pre everyone having the internet they did! Sports Illustrated was the weekly bible of sports

Agreed.  My pops always kept his subscription to SI active and I read it constantly.  My mom had a serious problem with us fawning over the swimsuit issue.

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« Reply #19 on: August 15, 2014, 08:46:23 pm »

Most popular athlete in the word? I think not. There are other athletes who rival Lebron.
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