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Author Topic: Super Bowl Blog  (Read 15503 times)
YJFF Member
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Stop your bloodclot cryin'!

« Reply #45 on: February 01, 2015, 10:51:30 pm »

The look on Pete Carroll's face after that pick...totally deflated.



"There's no such thing as objectivity. We're all just interpreting signals from the universe and trying to make sense of them. Dim, shaky, weak, staticky little signals that only hint at the complexity of a universe that we cannot begin to comprehend."
~ Micah Leggat
Downunder Dolphan
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« Reply #46 on: February 01, 2015, 10:54:43 pm »

When they did, I was thinking they were going to do a draw to Lynch.  My mouth was open in amazement before Russell threw the ball.

I was thinking the exact same thing when it happened
Downunder Dolphan
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Posts: 1697

Fins Fan since 2nd January 1982

« Reply #47 on: February 01, 2015, 10:56:42 pm »

The look on Pete Carroll's face after that pick...totally deflated.


Carroll took responsibility for the play call in a post game interview, it will be interesting to see how much padding last year's Superbowl win protects his ass from the upcoming heat over this monumental bungle.
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Posts: 8393

« Reply #48 on: February 02, 2015, 12:33:38 am »

Fact is that Seattle shouldn't have even been in the game. Their luck had to run out some time.

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« Reply #49 on: February 02, 2015, 12:45:26 am »

Emmitt Smith said the Seahawks' final offensive play was the worst play call in the history of football.

I can't say he's wrong.

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« Reply #50 on: February 02, 2015, 01:12:08 am »

I can


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YJFF Member
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« Reply #51 on: February 02, 2015, 09:25:23 am »


Enjoy your reign while you may, Superman. For as surely as night follows day...there comes a time when even gods must die. - Lex Luthor
CF DolFan
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« Reply #52 on: February 02, 2015, 11:16:42 am »

The only good thing that came out of this is that PEte Carroll has to live with the fact millions of people know HE is the only reason Seattle did not win the Super Bowl. He has way surpassed Bill Buckner in the blown opportunity department!! 

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Bay Area Niner-Hater

« Reply #53 on: February 02, 2015, 12:52:26 pm »

Slow down.

Bill Buckner didn't win a title the year before the blown catch.

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Posts: 1259

« Reply #54 on: February 02, 2015, 01:28:46 pm »

Carroll's logic was if they called a pass and it was incomplete, it would stop the clock and they could still run it on third down and use a timeout to stop the clock if needed.

It's actually sound logic.

And also, let's not let Wilson off the hook. He is the one that forced that throw in.
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« Reply #55 on: February 02, 2015, 01:36:29 pm »

I understand passing, but what a dumb play call for a pass.  Go with play action, or roll Wilson out.  That's what he does best.

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YJFF Member
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Stop your bloodclot cryin'!

« Reply #56 on: February 02, 2015, 01:37:51 pm »

I can't fault Wilson on that play, because for the play that was called, he put the ball exactly where he was supposed to put it. I put the blame on the play call itself, and the credit to Butler, who made an incredibly instinctive play to jump the route and beat the WR to the pass.


"There's no such thing as objectivity. We're all just interpreting signals from the universe and trying to make sense of them. Dim, shaky, weak, staticky little signals that only hint at the complexity of a universe that we cannot begin to comprehend."
~ Micah Leggat
YJFF Member
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Posts: 22876

Stop your bloodclot cryin'!

« Reply #57 on: February 02, 2015, 01:41:08 pm »

Carroll took responsibility for the play call in a post game interview, it will be interesting to see how much padding last year's Superbowl win protects his ass from the upcoming heat over this monumental bungle.

Carroll brought the Seahawks their first Championship in franchise history. Immediately after the interception, he could have raped a nun and kicked a puppy (or vice versa), both on camera, and still be nearly bulletproof.


"There's no such thing as objectivity. We're all just interpreting signals from the universe and trying to make sense of them. Dim, shaky, weak, staticky little signals that only hint at the complexity of a universe that we cannot begin to comprehend."
~ Micah Leggat
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Posts: 1259

« Reply #58 on: February 02, 2015, 01:41:40 pm »

I can't fault Wilson on that play, because for the play that was called, he put the ball exactly where he was supposed to put it. I put the blame on the play call itself, and the credit to Butler, who made an incredibly instinctive play to jump the route and beat the WR to the pass.

Wilson could have thrown it out of the back of the endzone. When you're in goal line, you cannot force passes into a tight space. It is way too easy for a ball to get tipped, even by your own player.
YJFF Member
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Posts: 22876

Stop your bloodclot cryin'!

« Reply #59 on: February 02, 2015, 01:50:36 pm »

^^^ Understood, but again, I blame the play call, because that particular play call guarantees that a pass would have to be put into a tight space. There is no scenario where that play is wide open, because it is going into the middle of the field on the goalline.


"There's no such thing as objectivity. We're all just interpreting signals from the universe and trying to make sense of them. Dim, shaky, weak, staticky little signals that only hint at the complexity of a universe that we cannot begin to comprehend."
~ Micah Leggat
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