Brian Fein
Global Moderator
Uber Member
Posts: 28291
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2015, 06:16:14 pm » |
part of my process. If I win big early, I like to pull out my original investment and play with "house money" - that way I'm guaranteed not to lose big.
Lately I'm noticing that I'm wasting it on dumbness. I figured I'll pull it out and, if I feel the itch to do some more, go back in with less.
At first I thought it was really fun, but weeks like this just bummed me out. I finished nearly dead last in both of the contests I entered. It was embarassing.
Contest 1: finished 389488/574997 Team: Mariota, Bell, Lacy, Benjamin, Hopkins, Wright, Clay, Blount, Giants Score: 103.6 - 60 points out of a prize spot
Contest 2: finished 359897/380148 Team: P. Manning, Bell, Dixon, Benjamin, Edelman, Fitzgerald, Gates, Morris, Giants Score: 131.04 - 32 points out of a prize spot
I'm not completely soured on it, but I kinda just want a reset before jumping back in. I think I got stuck on autopilot, just picking guys with the best matchups. I need to re-think my strategy.