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Author Topic: Deflategate is back  (Read 7361 times)
Uber Member
Posts: 10083


« Reply #30 on: April 27, 2016, 07:39:12 pm »


^  These.  Seriously, though, while calling the Patsies garbage and all their receiving corps short of Gronk #3 receivers might be a little bit of a stretch in the other direction, I definitely agree with the sentiment of masterfins and Tenshot on the whole--lifer, I really believe you're just too close (by physical proximity or mentally/emotionally or however you want to perceive it) to the Patsies to discern that they are not such the hot team you think they are.  Yes, Bellicheat is an amazing coach, unfortunately for us, and yes, "Twhammy" Boy is a great QB as much as I hate to begrudgingly admit it (though contrary to "popular belief" a.k.a. BSPN [yes, that was intentional], he sure as hell didn't start off that way, for several seasons, irrespective of SB titles), but that doesn't mean they have an all-around great team at this point.

While I'm also in line with Spider's thinking that our beloved 'Phins will more likely than not find a way to screw the proverbial pooch up there in Gillette on Sept. 18th, to think the Patsies have this great, unstoppable powerhouse of a team without Brady at the helm (or maybe even with...we'll see after Week 5) is a little delusional, IMHO.

*sigh*  I don't post a lot around here, though I view essentially daily, but all these inane postings by lifer regarding the Pats the past year plus have been draining my soul.  Okay.../rant.

Ok, so do you think the reason Miami didn't win a Super Bowl during Dan Marino's career was because Dan Marino is not as good a quarterback as any quarterback who has won a Super Bowl?  I certainly don't.  I think Marino just simply did not have the support that the other quarterbacks did.  (But that is another story).

There are many other players on a football team besides the quarterback.


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Baba Booey
Uber Member
Posts: 744

« Reply #31 on: April 28, 2016, 07:26:27 pm »

So many sources say so many different things.

It's been to trial and then went to an appeals court. Read the 2 transcripts. People under oath testified on it. Those are the only sources that matter  Roll Eyes
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