You make BS statements and pretend they are real. That doesn't make him evil.
Other than the freedom of free and fair elections.
He hasn't stopped anyone legal from voting
Curtailed the press.
He complains about the press just as they complain about him. It falls under the same freedom of speech but liberals don't think it should apply to conservatives.
Access to healthcare, attempted to ban travel based on religion,
He hasn't limited anyone's access to healthcare. He just doesn't want to make you and I pay for those who don't. The religion thing has already been misproven several times. He picked 7 terrorist countries. If it had been a Muslim ban he would have included countries like India as well as many others.
rights of transgendered.
What rights have been taken away? They are free to suffer their mental illness just as they have always been.
of the separation of church and state, which curtails the freedoms of non christians.
Have I missed this new Christian privilege you speak of? Please fill me in so I can get it.
Nazi's took gun rights away and made people register guns. No different from what many of the Democrats want. I bet if you ask some current democrats they would even admit that Jews shouldn't have access to guns and should be exterminated. They don't seem to have to hide their racism any longer.