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Author Topic: Anthony Kennedy  (Read 6687 times)
CF DolFan
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« Reply #30 on: July 02, 2018, 09:37:07 am »

The job of the Supreme Court is to interpret Constitutional Law and apply it as it pertains to current, modern day legal matters.  Their rulings should be apolitical.  They clearly are not.  Conservative justices interpret with a decidedly conservative viewpoint and liberal justices interpret with a decidedly liberal viewpoint.  That is not the way their job is supposed to work.  Their decisions are supposed to be made as an unbiased ruling as to the Constitution and how it applies to specific cases.  Instead, on every single issue, conservative justices make their decisions based on their own political bias and liberal justices make their decisions based on their ow political bias. 

They are no different than Congress who votes almost 100% of the time based on their party lines as opposed to the merit of any particular proposed legislation.  Whether it is good for the country or not is a secondary or even tertiary concern for both politicians and the Supreme Court. 
I saw Chuck Todd speaking about this yesterday and he pretty much agreed with you. Other than Kennedy who is stepping down ... he pointed to a couple of other Republican nominees who voted on a case by case basis and their black and white interpretation of the law. He said for that reason Republicans will no longer place a moderate. He didn't say it but pretty much admitted the Democrats never have placed a moderate in recent history.   

Getting offended by something you see on the internet is like choosing to step in dog shite instead of walking around it.
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« Reply #31 on: July 02, 2018, 11:08:11 am »

  If you want to chalk it up as "she couldn't connect with the voters," then fine.  However, I would like to point out that she seemed to do a pretty good job of connecting with the voters in coal country 8 years prior, when she was running in the primary against a black guy.

I hate to go there on this but it wasn't a connection with Hillary that kept many of them from voting for a black guy.
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