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Author Topic: Any fish enthusiasts?  (Read 4011 times)
Uber Member
Posts: 8078

« Reply #15 on: August 10, 2018, 03:44:17 pm »

You run the risk particularly with the tank so crowded that they will be eaten.  You might want to move pregnant fish to own tank, and then move mom back as soon as she gives birth.
Yeah, you could do that.  There is also a small plastic bin you can buy at a pet store ($10) that hangs on the inside of your tank that you can put the mom and babies in if you want to keep them.
Dave Gray
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« Reply #16 on: August 31, 2018, 09:48:37 am »


I have 3 fish tanks in the house. 

1 is a 3.5 gallon betta tank.  I moved the betta there, along with 2 mystery snails and a baby bristlenose pleco.  The betta showed no aggression in the big tank, but as I experimented with new species, I didn't want to stress him out and give him reason to start picking at fins.

My main tank (60 gallons) has gone though some difficulties.  I lost several small fish for a variety of reasons, and I'm not 100% sure, but my tap water now contains ammonia.  Before it had 0.  Now, it's 1 PPM.  So, I wasn't treating the tank properly and the newer fish started dropping off.  Also, I may have over-salted...or was too aggressive with water changes.  ...who knows.  I'm still learning.  Everything has leveled out now.  I have gotten the temperature issue under control, but at a cost.  I have a fan hooked up, which works wonders and lowers the tank temperature about 4 degrees.  But a fish jumped out of the open lid.  He was sick anyway, so he may have been darting before death, as I've seen some of them do.

I need to add egg crate or screen over the top, which will allow me to keep them from jumping out, while still cooling the surface.

I also just bought a 15 gallon column tank, but it doesn't have water in it yet.  I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it yet.  I may transfer the betta over or I may have all new species for my daughter to enjoy.

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Uber Member
Posts: 8078

« Reply #17 on: August 31, 2018, 10:07:28 am »

Don't feel bad about your small fish dying, it almost always happens as they aren't the hardiest of fish anyways.  You tested your water before you put it in the tank and it contains ammonia?  Reason I ask is your tank will have spiking ammonia when you first start, it's part of the cycling process.  Ammonia spikes are due to fish waste and overfeeding.  I always said feed your fish every other day to avoid that, but as long as they are eating all the food within a minute and it's not laying on the bottom, you should be okay.  Don't follow the directions on the bottle, you'll end up overfeeding them.

Bettas don't like a lot of movement in their water.  They create bubble nests at the water's surface, which can be disturbed by too much flow, so keep that in mind.  Screen top will probably be best for your other tank so no fish jump out, they sell them in all sizes. 

Column tanks are cool, I had a live plant tank with some fish in mine.  I don't recommend it though unless you have a lot of free time, as there is a bit of maintenance.  I recommend researching the type of fish you want and where they hang out in the tank so it fills the space.  For instance, cory cats stay at the bottom, tetras will stay in the middle for the most part, danios, mollies, platys and guppies will hang out at the top.  Your call though, there are so many combinations.
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« Reply #18 on: August 31, 2018, 02:50:28 pm »

You went from zero to three tanks in less than 2 months.  I think you may have a problem.  Fish tank are like cats, one or two is a nice pet/hobby once you go past that you need an intervention to be stopped.   

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