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Author Topic: Dallas police officer enters man's apartment and shoots him (split from anthem thread)  (Read 60683 times)
Uber Member
Posts: 8386

« Reply #135 on: September 19, 2018, 02:57:29 pm »

Bingo.  I am going to react the same to a white person in a business suit as I do a black person in a business suit.
Good for you. But you did notice that it was a white person rather than a black person didn't you? You didn't just think there's a guy in a suit. Maybe you thought great look at that successful black man, that's great to see or vice versa for the white guy if that's your bias. Would you think the same about the other race? Be honest. If you say there's absolutely no difference then I don't believe you and I know some psychology teachers that would also argue that you did think differently about the 2 situations even though you reacted the same way. Your mind thought about it and then you chose to act accordingly. That's human nature and it's not just race, it's everything. Gender. Hair color. The way the person is walking. What kind of suit he is wearing. Smiling or not smiling, etc. Our minds make connections about a million of things in a fraction of a second and then we act on those thoughts. It's our actions that count, not the connections that our minds make irrational or not.

« Last Edit: September 19, 2018, 03:46:40 pm by Pappy13 » Logged

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« Reply #136 on: September 19, 2018, 02:59:05 pm »

Actually, we do have some evidence already.  The evidence we have is that a cop walked into another man's apartment and shot him dead as an "intruder," was not arrested for several days, and then after all that time to think over the events and get her story straight, offered conflicting versions of (still ridiculous) explanations for this homicide.

You are bending over backwards to give every benefit of the doubt to this woman and her family, ascribing the most innocent explanations whenever possible.  She killed an innocent, unarmed man in his own home seconds after entering.  Perhaps she does not deserve your generosity.
Maybe she doesn't. That doesn't however explain you labeling her brother as a white supremacist with absolutely no proof. Your position seems kind of racist to me...

Uber Member
Posts: 8386

« Reply #137 on: September 19, 2018, 03:02:24 pm »

Actually, we do have some evidence already.  The evidence we have is that a cop walked into another man's apartment and shot him dead as an "intruder," was not arrested for several days, and then after all that time to think over the events and get her story straight, offered conflicting versions of (still ridiculous) explanations for this homicide.
That's evidence that the picture taken was of a man making a white supremist gesture? Wow, you have some incredible powers of perception there Mr Holmes. I noticed that in your statement there you left out something incredibly important. Race. How on earth did you make the leap that the picture taken was of a man making a white supremist gesture without knowing the race of the cop and the intruder? It's only when you START with that information and then let it lead you to what you want to find do you get to that conclusion. If the cop had been black and the intruder white, would you have reached the same conclusion? No of course you wouldn't have.

Actually it's not me doing the bending over backwards here.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2018, 03:49:37 pm by Pappy13 » Logged

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« Reply #138 on: September 19, 2018, 03:02:41 pm »

Huffington Post and Vox are making you a far left loony toon Spider.  That's Brietbart level stuff for the left.
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Posts: 3401

« Reply #139 on: September 19, 2018, 03:05:27 pm »

Huffington Post and Vox are making you a far left loony toon Spider.  That's Brietbart level stuff for the left.

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« Reply #140 on: September 19, 2018, 03:23:31 pm »

Huffington Post and Vox are making you a far left loony toon Spider.  That's Brietbart level stuff for the left.

nope the closest equivalent to vox is the national review or standard. (which i often dsagree with but are coherent and add rational discourse)

 huffington post is the lefts version of washington times. 

the closest equivalent to brreitbart is occupy democrats

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« Reply #141 on: September 19, 2018, 03:35:34 pm »

yes, pappy i will often notice someones race. in general it is the second most likely observed characteristic only beaten by gender.   but this a fucking strawman discussion.

Amber entered a mans apartment and shoot the person who lived there.  She should be treated like anyone else.

people protesting it were overcharged so they would have to spend two days in jail rather than be able to post bail sunday night.   


There are two rules for success:
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Uber Member
Posts: 8078

« Reply #142 on: September 19, 2018, 03:38:15 pm »

nope the closest equivalent to vox is the national review or standard. (which i often dsagree with but are coherent and add rational discourse)

 huffington post is the lefts version of washington times. 

the closest equivalent to brreitbart is occupy democrats

I think you're fooling yourself, all of those are very close in their respected bias, with the Washington times being closer to center than any you mentioned.

NOTE:  occupy democrats is more far left than Brietbart is right.  Brietbart is only slightly more bias than both HuffPo and Vox, something that the left thinks is fair and balanced lol.  Point being, ALL of these are bias propaganda and shouldn't be used as a basis for any argument.

« Last Edit: September 19, 2018, 03:40:54 pm by Tenshot13 » Logged
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Bay Area Niner-Hater

« Reply #143 on: September 19, 2018, 03:53:22 pm »

How on earth did you make the leap that the picture taken was of a man making a white supremist gesture without knowing the race of the cop and the intruder?
Well, after rejecting the insultingly transparent lie the shooter is currently offering as her explanation, I tried to devise an explanation that makes more sense. I'd say "she's white-supremacy curious and her racial bias led her to confront and murder an innocent black man in his own home" is significantly less absurd than "she didn't notice she was in the wrong apartment and shot the rightful tenant before realizing where she was." But perhaps you think her story is reasonable.

Huffington Post and Vox are making you a far left loony toon Spider.  That's Brietbart level stuff for the left.
Are you sure it wasn't CNN or the New York Times?  Tough to tell when anything to the left of the Wall Street Journal is considered the far left liberal media.

Uber Member
Posts: 8078

« Reply #144 on: September 19, 2018, 04:11:27 pm »

^I don't know, do you see CNN on equal footing as FoxNews, just on different ends of the spectrum?  Because they are almost exactly equal in their respective bias (left vs right).  Stick to the NYT, its the closest YOU will ever get to down the middle (left-center bias).  You really need to stop projecting your crap, because I do not hesitate to call out right bias either, there is just so much more left propaganda out there.

EDIT:  Yes, I consider CNN to be propaganda at this point, as well as FoxNews


« Last Edit: September 19, 2018, 04:22:24 pm by Tenshot13 » Logged
Uber Member
Posts: 8386

« Reply #145 on: September 19, 2018, 04:44:44 pm »

Well, after rejecting the insultingly transparent lie the shooter is currently offering as her explanation, I tried to devise an explanation that makes more sense.
You're making a classical mistake in your proof. Essentially your proof boils down to this.

- White Cop shot black man and only plausible explanation is because she's a racist.
- Racist white cop is seen in photograph with person making gesture
- By association other person must also be racist.
- Other racist person is making racist gesture.

Seems logical but it's not. You got to a faulty conclusion because your proof is backwards. You're starting with an axiom that you don't know to be true that the cop is a racist. You have to start with a statement that you know to be true for a proof to work and you didn't. You can't start with the premise and prove it's true by working backwards from the premise, you start with a true statement and work towards proving the premise. What's worse is then you used your faulty conclusion to proof your original premise is true.

- Person seen in picture is making a racist gesture.
- Person must be a racist.
- Racist person seen in picture with white cop.
- By association white cop must be racist.
- Racist white cop shot black man because he was black.

This also is a faulty conclusion because again you started with something you don't know to be true. They seem to back each other up when in reality neither proof supports the other because they are both based on belief and not fact. The really sad part is that you can't even see the mistake you made because of your own bias.

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Bay Area Niner-Hater

« Reply #146 on: September 19, 2018, 05:11:34 pm »

Both of your descriptions of what happened are missing very important parts... the parts that came first:

- cop kills innocent unarmed man in his own home
- cop offers ridiculous explanation for why this happened

If the cop had offered a explanation that wasn't a transparent lie, we wouldn't be having so much trouble trying to figure out why she killed him.

I notice that you don't seem to be saying that you believe her story.  Do you also think she is lying?

Uber Member
Posts: 8386

« Reply #147 on: September 19, 2018, 05:17:08 pm »

I notice that you don't seem to be saying that you believe her story.  Do you also think she is lying?
I believe the below is approximately what happened or something along these lines. I do believe that she is lying about some things to try to save herself from prison which I think is what just about anyone would do in her position. I don't believe that she is a racist and shot him because he was black. The only reason that I believe this at this point is because I have no evidence to the contrary. I await the trial to see what her official version is and then I'll make a decision again whether or not I believe her.


Murder? No.
Manslaughter? Yes.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2018, 05:43:32 pm by Pappy13 » Logged

That which does not kill me...gives me XP.
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Bay Area Niner-Hater

« Reply #148 on: September 19, 2018, 05:57:09 pm »

I believe the below is approximately what happened or something along these lines. I do believe that she is lying about some things to try to save herself from prison which I think is what just about anyone would do in her position.
First off, I don't agree that "just about anyone" would slander an innocent person that they killed, to try to save themselves prison time.  If you understand that what you did was wrong and you're genuinely remorseful, you would accept guilt and try to cut a plea deal.

But it seems that while we both agree that this cop is lying to cover up a homicide, you seem think that lying to cover up racism is a bridge too far.  Suffice it to say that you and I have very different opinions on the honor of lying, homicidal police.

Uber Member
Posts: 8386

« Reply #149 on: September 19, 2018, 07:41:30 pm »

First off, I don't agree that "just about anyone" would slander an innocent person that they killed, to try to save themselves prison time.  If you understand that what you did was wrong and you're genuinely remorseful, you would accept guilt and try to cut a plea deal.

But it seems that while we both agree that this cop is lying to cover up a homicide, you seem think that lying to cover up racism is a bridge too far.  Suffice it to say that you and I have very different opinions on the honor of lying, homicidal police.
There's a HUGE gap between thinking that an off duty cop accidentally shot and killed a man whom she thought was inside her apartment while she was trying to enter it to thinking that she simply didn't like the guy and went to his apartment to confront him and then shot and killed him primarily because he was black. Is that your version of the events or somewhat close to it? That's the difference between murder and manslaughter in my opinion. You have your opinion, I have mine. Whether or not she's remorseful about it and whether or not she's lying about some of the events to prevent some jail time doesn't much matter to me in either case. Her honor is not what we are debating, it's whether or not she's guilty of murder or manslaughter. You don't seem to really be interested in the truth or justice, you seem to only be interested in revenge. I truly do feel sorry for anyone that feels that way.

But it seems that while we both agree that this cop is lying to cover up a homicide, you seem think that lying to cover up racism is a bridge too far.  Suffice it to say that you and I have very different opinions on the honor of lying, homicidal police.
It's not a bridge too far, there just isn't any evidence yet that's the case and 2 wrongs won't make it right. Despite what you think not every time a white cop kills a black man is the cop a racist homicidal cop.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2018, 07:54:52 pm by Pappy13 » Logged

That which does not kill me...gives me XP.
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