You gage based on 16 (or more). not 1. But how you preform in a meaningless game says a lot about your character. The Bills spent Xmas preparing to play the Dolphins, the Dolphins spent Xmas drinking egg nog.
I recall an article talking about how Jason Taylor was working out and prepping for the probowl with the same intensity that one would for the super bowl, and other NFL players were even poking fun at him for working out to get in game shape for the probowl. It was that type of competitive spirit that made JT great. And the Dolphins lack of spirit for this week is part of why they won’t be playing next week.
This is not coaching. This is on the players 100%. I always practiced and played hard no matter the score, who the coach was, what he said, what I thought about my teammates, whether or not I was starting, etc. That's what you do as an athlete. Most of the "athletes" in the NFL either have forgotten that or never learned it in the first place. They think its about endzone celebrations, interviews, fat contracts, social media, fast cars, easy women and drinking champagne while listening to music. I hate today's athlete. There so few real athletes left in the NFL.