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Author Topic: Patriots Fans React to Wildcard Loss vs Titans  (Read 3778 times)
Global Moderator
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Posts: 11671

« Reply #15 on: January 07, 2020, 12:34:21 pm »

I don't even hate the Patriots anymore and I live in NY. Hard to hate a team you are never competitive with. Maybe if Miami gets its act together in 2020 I can hate them again.

I do, so much.  It's not Miami being competitive with them.  It's the balance of the NFL.  And, frankly, lately, the whole Patriots thing has become unbearable with Tom Brady and mini-Tom's hype videos and all the numb crap they do on social media and this "Patriot way" garbage. 

When the Patriots were a legit "you can't beat us and we don't say a word" team it was barely tolerable, but it was tolerable.  Now it makes me want to kick small animals who look like Tom Brady.

"God is a comedian, playing to an audience too afraid to laugh."
David Fulcher
Senior Member
Posts: 273

« Reply #16 on: January 08, 2020, 03:50:50 am »

At the end of the day all Patriot fans are entitled ass muffins.  All of them.  They can't believe when they lose a regular season game and post over the top crap like "real fans stick with their team through good times and bad." 

What bad???  If your idea of a "bad" season is 12-4 and going to the playoffs please insert my left nut into your mouth and shut up.  Hard. 

Patriot fans have literally lost sight of reality.  They all now deserve to watch their team go 1-15 for the next 37 seasons before it moves to Portland, Ore.  Screw all of you.  I hope Brady plays until he's 50, with the Cowboys, and brings them 8 more rings for the league minimum while wearing a "do you job" Dallas Star hoodie.

I do, so much.  It's not Miami being competitive with them.  It's the balance of the NFL.  And, frankly, lately, the whole Patriots thing has become unbearable with Tom Brady and mini-Tom's hype videos and all the numb crap they do on social media and this "Patriot way" garbage. 

When the Patriots were a legit "you can't beat us and we don't say a word" team it was barely tolerable, but it was tolerable.  Now it makes me want to kick small animals who look like Tom Brady.

Ha ha ha ha hah.  Man, I know I don't post a whole lot around here, though I "lurk" pretty much all the time, particularly during the season (including the playoffs, even if that's Rarely been part of the Dolphins' actual season for the past 16-17 years now.....  Sad  ), but I just couldn't help it on these posts.
Like Tenshot was saying earlier about the first post, and I'll throw in the latter as well, top quality post-age, Maine!

I feel the same way overall, Maine, aside from even if Tom moves on from NE during the offseason, I still don't want to see him win another ring or even be in or near another SB for that matter.  I don't *hate* the guy outside of the football realm, per se, but when the "lights"/tv are on....yeah, I can't stand him, still!!

So kudos to the Titans (who I've never minded in the first place, though that might be largely because I've lived in the northern 1/3 of AL most of my life now, and didn't even mind them back when they were the ol' Oilers of Houston), and most particularly, "still my boy!", Ryan Tannehill himself.   Smiley

"I swear to Buddha--if someone challenges my Ping-Pong honor, their fortune cookie will see bad outcome!"

--guy from "My New Haircut", Asian edition
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