I'm not a throw things out there just to throw it out there "guy." A friend of mine in the know a week ago told me the Yankees were being wrapped up in this; I've dug around and found this:
https://www.12up.com/posts/mlb-not-investigating-yankees-sign-stealing-allegations-01dy0mpbce2n?utm_source=RSSI knew the Yanks were part of the whistle blowing; I thought it would be odd to make them part of the dragnet (unless there were simply doing something and not aware they were doing it). Looks like this is a (right now) Boston and Houston thing.
To be clear, however, the Boston and Houston thing are also two separate animals. Houston had a very elaborate sign stealing system where Boston is being caught up in using their video reply room incorrectly.
And by "there are no rules on the books for this," let me clarify my statement on this. When Pete Rose was banned for life for gambling on the sport - the sport was able to justify this action because there were rules in place stating this was a possible outcome, should any active player, etc, be caught betting on the sport. Currently the same is not in place for these types of actions; MLB is going to have to come up with rules and policies to ensure this does not become the norm.
This is why, I think, a one year suspension of management involved is a good way to go.