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Question: Is a police taser a lethal weapon?

Author Topic: .Is a police taser a lethal weapon?  (Read 1051 times)
Global Moderator
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Posts: 14595

« on: August 23, 2022, 06:12:12 pm »

Straight forward question. 

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Posts: 14595

« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2022, 02:08:50 pm »

Everyone who voted has said that a taser is NOT a lethal weapon. 


But apparently in the eyes of a a cop loving prosecutor it is a lethal weapon.  "in response to a deadly threat"

It wasn't a deadly threat.  It wasn't even close to a deadly threat.  I am sure some are thinking, well what should the cops have done instead?  Simple -- call for back up, let him run and follow him at a distance of 15 feet.   He wasn't getting away.  The police had his car, they new his identity,  if he out ran them which is doubtful he would have been arrested the next day.

I am not saying Brooks didn't do anything wrong.  He should have faced a jury on at least four counts - DUI, resisting arrest, stealing the taser and firing the taser.  But none of those crimes are capital offenses -- nor should they be.

For the "comply or die" crowd.  That is not a legal principle.  It is a threat of illegal violence, the exact same as a mafia boss saying, "snitches get stiches"  as a defense to the murder of an informant. 

He was murdered because these cops were embarrassed they lost a fight with a drunk.

And they should be embarrassed.  I am not a great fighter, but when I was younger I got into a few.  Never once did I ever lose to a drunk, including one guy who had 30lb and six inches on me and was a semi-professional boxer.  If he was sober he would have beaten the crap out of me.  But drunks are bad fighters for the same the same reason they are bad drivers - slow reaction time and poor coordination.  You have to be an utterly incompetent police officer to not be able to subdue a guy you are arresting for drunk driving.  That two cops can't do it -- unfuckingbelievable. 

We need to stop having the folks prosecuting cops being folks of the mindset of "back the blue no matter what" and have folks who really believe they need to be held accountable.  This is a disgrace. 

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Dave Gray
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« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2022, 03:23:54 pm »

I voted no.  I don't know the context.  I think it can kill, but it is not intended to, under normal, correct circumstances.

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« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2022, 03:57:25 pm »

Without reading the articles or posts, just answering the question that a taser CAN be a lethal weapon. Not just if used improperly, but if a citizen removes the taser from the cop, he can incapacitate the cop and then kill him.

Not commenting on any situation but it is a deadly weapon if used improperly.
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