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Author Topic: The midterms  (Read 5090 times)
CF DolFan
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Posts: 17202

« Reply #75 on: November 15, 2022, 12:03:07 pm »

I'm not sure I follow as I've never seen a mail in ballot. Why can't mail in ballots be scanned and even signatures matched elctronically?

Getting offended by something you see on the internet is like choosing to step in dog shite instead of walking around it.
YJFF Member
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« Reply #76 on: November 15, 2022, 12:23:00 pm »

To be fair, none of these victories were really surprising. The republicans ran ass candidates. Like unelectable for dog catcher ass candidates.

Yes, Yes and Fuck Yes... What made it actually surprising was how excited the GOP leadership seemed to get over these dog catcher ass candidates.  If they had actually campaigned on the issues, instead of "Trump says you should hate the libs" and "we're still whining about the election we lost in 2020," these midterms would definitely have turned out different.

Oh well, better luck never time.


"There's no such thing as objectivity. We're all just interpreting signals from the universe and trying to make sense of them. Dim, shaky, weak, staticky little signals that only hint at the complexity of a universe that we cannot begin to comprehend."
~ Micah Leggat
« Reply #77 on: November 15, 2022, 01:00:25 pm »

You either have mail in voting, or you don't.

If you do, then you have to wait for the ballots to arrive, to then count them.  You can't count ballots in the mail on election night.

To be fair, none of these victories were really surprising. The republicans ran ass candidates. Like unelectable for dog catcher ass candidates.

Actually, a few states in 2020 were going to count the mail in ballots on election night due to the massive increase caused by the pandemic. Guess who blocked that? Republican law makers because they knew when the mail in ballots came in it would skew against them. They were planning on crying fraud all along. Trump was going to do it in 2016, but he won. Whenever republicans lose, which as the future approaches is more likely, they will say fraud every time.

If Boebert loses here, she will say fraud, but it’s fine if she wins. Even though she took the lead back “in the dead of night”
« Last Edit: November 15, 2022, 01:10:56 pm by DenverFinFan » Logged
CF DolFan
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Posts: 17202

« Reply #78 on: November 15, 2022, 01:11:29 pm »

Actually, a few states in 2020 were going to count the mail in ballots on election night due to the massive increase caused by the pandemic. Guess who blocked that? Republican law makers because they knew when the mail in ballots came in it would skew against them. They were planning on crying fraud all along. Trump was going to do it in 2016, but he won. Whenever republicans lose, which is as the future approaches they will say fraud every time.

If Boebert loses here, she will say fraud, but it’s fine if she wins. Even though she took the lead back “in the dead of night”
Just because it is Republicans now doesn't mean it's exlusive to them. Like I mentioned ... Al Gore and Hillary both cried bout rigged elections as well. It really isn't a party thing. The biggest issue I have is even if there is no cheating going on ... the way we currently are doing things makes it easy for politicians to undermine results in the minds of the public. That isn't good for democracy. 

Getting offended by something you see on the internet is like choosing to step in dog shite instead of walking around it.
« Reply #79 on: November 15, 2022, 01:23:46 pm »

Just because it is Republicans now doesn't mean it's exlusive to them. Like I mentioned ... Al Gore and Hillary both cried bout rigged elections as well. It really isn't a party thing. The biggest issue I have is even if there is no cheating going on ... the way we currently are doing things makes it easy for politicians to undermine results in the minds of the public. That isn't good for democracy.  

Gore probably wins if the recount continues, but he accepted the SCOTUS ruling. HRC did mention ( proven ) Russian interference as well as Comey’s BS, but she conceded within days. These are not the same.

But yes, none of this good for our country.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2022, 01:29:23 pm by DenverFinFan » Logged
Dave Gray
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« Reply #80 on: November 15, 2022, 01:26:24 pm »

Al Gore and Hillary both cried bout rigged elections as well.

No they didn't.

Stop it with this false-equivalence bullshit.

Yes, there is an element of questioning shenanigans in terms of voter suppression and methods of how to count ballots that don't meet criteria -- and there's a lengthy process to work these things out as non-partisanly as possible.  We see this all the time, with recounts and hanging chads, and voter intent and all this -- no big deal.  All of these candidates can and should use any legal methods to fight for the legitimacy of any vote cast in their favor.  And they should raise any questions about potential decisions to dampen their turnout from partisan actors.  These are all appropriate actions and part of the election process.

That's not in the same league....not in the same sport....as saying that you are the legitimate winner of an election that you lost.  Both Hillary and Al Gore conceded their race to the eventual winner.

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« Reply #81 on: November 15, 2022, 01:56:06 pm »

Just because it is Republicans now doesn't mean it's exlusive to them. Like I mentioned ... Al Gore and Hillary both cried bout rigged elections as well. It really isn't a party thing. The biggest issue I have is even if there is no cheating going on ... the way we currently are doing things makes it easy for politicians to undermine results in the minds of the public. That isn't good for democracy. 

A lie.  A blatant lie.

Neither Al Gore nor Hilary Clinton ever raised the objection that the election was "rigged".

In both cases they received more votes than their opponent, yet lost the election.  People who believe in democracy feel that a system in which someone can be elected by minority rule is fundamentally unfair.  Stating that the electoral college system is flawed and should be altered is not the same as claiming that false claims of fraud.  

In 2000. Al Gore wanted a manual recount for an obviously flawed process in Florida.  Wanting a recount is not alleging fraud.  There were multiple recounts in 2020, that wasn't the problem and in 2020 every single one of the recounts confirmed the original results.  Having the recounts wasn't the problem, refusing to accept them is the problem.  There should have been a recount in 2000 in Florida.  But that is not an allegation of it being "rigged" just flawed.  

In 2016, Clinton never claimed the vote was rigged.  Actually Trump did and claimed if it wasn't for the "cheating" he would have won the popular vote too.  The idea of why Clinton/DNC would go to the trouble of committing fraud to "win" the popular vote rather than the electoral vote seems a bit illogical.  

Also 2016, some computer experts raised issues that four states had an unusually large number of people who did not vote for President and wanted recounts.  Clinton declined to ask for a recount.  Jill Stein, the Green party candidate, initiated a demand for recount.  Clinton got dragged into the mess, but the recounts were never completed after being blocked by Republican appointed judges despite the fact that the Green Party raised sufficient funds for the recounts to occur without taxpayer expense. 

In 2020 Trump fundraised on recounts but was never willing to actually fund them.  In some Republican controlled states they occurred at taxpayers expense, each time confirming Biden's victory. 


There are two rules for success:
 1. Never tell everything you know.
CF DolFan
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Posts: 17202

« Reply #82 on: November 15, 2022, 02:10:42 pm »

A lie.  A blatant lie.

Neither Al Gore nor Hilary Clinton ever raised the objection that the election was "rigged".

In both cases they received more votes than their opponent, yet lost the election.  People who believe in democracy feel that a system in which someone can be elected by minority rule is fundamentally unfair.  Stating that the electoral college system is flawed and should be altered is not the same as claiming that false claims of fraud.  

In 2000. Al Gore wanted a manual recount for an obviously flawed process in Florida.  Wanting a recount is not alleging fraud.  There were multiple recounts in 2020, that wasn't the problem and in 2020 every single one of the recounts confirmed the original results.  Having the recounts wasn't the problem, refusing to accept them is the problem.  There should have been a recount in 2000 in Florida.  But that is not an allegation of it being "rigged" just flawed.  

In 2016, Clinton never claimed the vote was rigged.  Actually Trump did and claimed if it wasn't for the "cheating" he would have won the popular vote too.  The idea of why Clinton/DNC would go to the trouble of committing fraud to "win" the popular vote rather than the electoral vote seems a bit illogical.  

Also 2016, some computer experts raised issues that four states had an unusually large number of people who did not vote for President and wanted recounts.  Clinton declined to ask for a recount.  Jill Stein, the Green party candidate, initiated a demand for recount.  Clinton got dragged into the mess, but the recounts were never completed after being blocked by Republican appointed judges despite the fact that the Green Party raised sufficient funds for the recounts to occur without taxpayer expense. 

In 2020 Trump fundraised on recounts but was never willing to actually fund them.  In some Republican controlled states they occurred at taxpayers expense, each time confirming Biden's victory. 

Obviously you have no desire to deal with truth so that's why I tend to ignore you. Even Google supports what I said and they cover up many things. Typically I have to go to something like Duck Duck Go but this isn't even trying to be a secret so you can Google too.

Hell  ... just two weeks ago Hillary said a plan is already in place by Republicans to steal the next Presidential election.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is accusing Republicans of plotting to "steal the next presidential election."

Clinton, whose 2016 White House hopes were dashed by former President Donald Trump, made the accusation last week in a promotional video for the progressive advocacy group Indivisible.

"Right-wing extremists already have a plan to literally steal the next presidential election. And they’re not making a secret of it," said Clinton. "The right-wing-controlled Supreme Court may be poised to rule on giving state legislatures the power to overturn presidential elections."


Trump’s mendacity is arguably the Second Big Lie. Four years earlier, the Hillary Clinton campaign and leading Democrats refused to acknowledge the outcome of the 2016 election, by claiming Donald Trump was not a legitimate president. These actions, while certainly not as dramatic or as immediately damaging as the events leading to Jan. 6 (and today), helped bring us to our current situation.

He lost the election and he was put into office because the Russians interfered on his behalf,” ex-President Jimmy Carter said in 2019, continuing to deny Trump’s victory three years after the election.

“He knows he’s an illegitimate president,” said Clinton, also three years later. She repeated this sentiment in 2020, telling The Atlantic the election “was not on the level,” and again when she called Trump’s win illegitimate. She piled on to this by saying, “You can run the best campaign, you can even become the nominee, and you can have the election stolen from you,” clearly referring to how she saw her 2016 campaign.

Congressman and civil rights icon John Lewis went even further in 2017, saying: “I don’t see Trump as a legitimate president. … I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected.”

Of course, Russia did meddle in the election via Facebook ads and cyberattacks, among other things, but as the Senate Intelligence Committee’s investigation of Russian interference concluded, there was no “evidence that vote tallies were manipulated.”

The uncomfortable reality is that Trump became president because 62 million Americans elected him. Denying this helped lead us to today, where a 2016 Economist/YouGov poll found that half of Clinton voters thought a foreign power tampered with voting results, while over 50%, and at times as much as 75%, of Republicans said they think Joe Biden was fraudulently elected, according to a Washington Post analysis.

Getting offended by something you see on the internet is like choosing to step in dog shite instead of walking around it.
Global Moderator
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Posts: 14537

« Reply #83 on: November 15, 2022, 02:47:35 pm »

"Right-wing extremists already have a plan to literally steal the next presidential election. And they’re not making a secret of it," said Clinton. "The right-wing-controlled Supreme Court may be poised to rule on giving state legislatures the power to overturn presidential elections."

Absolutely.  That was Kari Lake's campaign promise along with the many others. 

There are two rules for success:
 1. Never tell everything you know.
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« Reply #84 on: November 15, 2022, 02:55:06 pm »

Congratulations to Senate Democrats for suddenly pulling ahead & winning surprise victories by the perfect margins 4 days after the polls close in the dead of night in states with mail in voting for the 2nd time in a row. We'd never seen such a thing in the 244 years of free elections. You are pioneers.
This is your own doing.

It is Republicans who have blocked and opposed counting mail-in ballots as they arrive, insisting that mail-in ballots cannot be counted until polls close.  Why?  Because - after 4 years of demonizing and undermining mail-in voting among GOP voters, depressing GOP mail-in turnout - they don't want the first tallies displayed on TV screens Election Night to show Democrats with a huge lead.

Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.

« Reply #85 on: November 15, 2022, 02:55:18 pm »

"Right-wing extremists already have a plan to literally steal the next presidential election. And they’re not making a secret of it," said Clinton. "The right-wing-controlled Supreme Court may be poised to rule on giving state legislatures the power to overturn presidential elections."

Absolutely.  That was Kari Lake's campaign promise along with the many others. 

Yup, this right here. They tried to steal it last time, tried to intimidate congress into doing it, and have all but came out and said “we plan to steal it right next time, we are currently working to steal it and with God on our side we will steal it”

Interesting thing that got buried is Trump in a classic unhinged social media post claims he interfered in DeSantis’ ( I think ) election in 2018.
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