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Author Topic: If Biden were to step aside and Kamala Harris were the Democratic nominee  (Read 15365 times)
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Bay Area Niner-Hater

« Reply #105 on: July 22, 2024, 04:40:53 pm »

Yeah, I haven't heard a single media person talk about how Trump isn't fit to run the country in the last 4 years. Are you kidding me? That's all I've heard non stop for the last 4 years. There's even been some legal cases about it. That horse has been beaten to death, it's not happening.
And here you are, offering excuses as to why equal media coverage about a Trump withdrawal is now unnecessary.  It's ALWAYS unnecessary... the media is so tough on Trump already!

There were over 200 NYT articles about Biden's mental state in just the first week after the debate, questioning his fitness to run.  There has never been anything remotely similar for Trump.

Only one party was actually willing to go to their candidate and ask them to withdraw and only one candidate was actually willing to do what was best for the country. If Trump and the Republican party had .1% of the accountability that Biden and the Democratic party has shown Trump would have withdrawn from the race a long time ago.
The Republican Party is more interested in winning elections, because they've figured out that voters don't actually care about any of this shit.

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Bay Area Niner-Hater

« Reply #106 on: July 22, 2024, 04:43:07 pm »

Than the Harris campaign manager ought be fired.

One of the central themes of this election is the mental fitness of candidates.  Harris needs to double and triple down on that. Half the ads for Harris should be clips of Trump rambling incoherently.
The Democratic campaign's choices about ad curation do not control what coverage the media chooses to focus on.

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Posts: 8393

« Reply #107 on: July 22, 2024, 04:55:37 pm »

And here you are, offering excuses as to why equal media coverage about a Trump withdrawal is now unnecessary.  It's ALWAYS unnecessary... the media is so tough on Trump already!
Changing your argument now. Now the media should attack Trump even though it's not going to change anything. For what purpose?

There were over 200 NYT articles about Biden's mental state in just the first week after the debate, questioning his fitness to run.  There has never been anything remotely similar for Trump.
Please. They've tried bringing lawsuits against the man and failed and you think that media coverage is the reason why? The truth is that the reason there were so many articles is because there was real concern. Now that there's no reason for that concern the media coverage is going to stop and maybe the media will get back to actually talking about the issues again? That's where the Democratic party does best. Let that work for them rather than against them.

The only thing that's gonna get rid of Trump is to elect someone else and the only way to do that is to have a better candidate. You're blaming the media because Biden had a bad debate. How is that the media's fault? You have Biden to thank for that. I didn't think it was possible, but Biden made Trump look like the better candidate, that's how bad it was and if you don't think it was that bad I think you are in the minority. It's not just the debate either. There have been other signs. There have been people close to Biden who've seen it. It's not just the media, it's within the party too. You can turn a blind eye to it if you want but some people aren't willing to go that route. I think you're in denial about this topic.

The Republican Party is more interested in winning elections, because they've figured out that voters don't actually care about any of this shit.
I agree that the Republican Party is more interested in winning elections because their voters don't actually care about any of this shit, but the reality is that it DOES matter and there's still plenty of people in the Democratic party that believe that it matters. It's bad enough that one of the parties has gone down that path, let's not follow their lead or we really will see an end to democracy.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2024, 05:24:33 pm by Pappy13 » Logged

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Bay Area Niner-Hater

« Reply #108 on: July 22, 2024, 05:19:46 pm »

Changing your argument now. Now the media should attack Trump even though it's not going to change anything. For what purpose?
Thank you for proving my point: the media shouldn't attack Trump because Republicans will ignore them, but they SHOULD attack Biden because Democrats will definitely capitulate.  And what is the result of this dynamic?  The media relentlessly attacks Biden but ignores Trump when both candidates have the same problem (as you put it).

And to answer your "For what purpose?" question: the media is supposed to be reporting the news, not playing a game of "Which candidate can we force out?"  If Biden's mental fitness merits 200 articles of coverage in one week, Trump's mental fitness should merit the same, regardless of whether Republicans will ignore it or not.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2024, 05:23:15 pm by Spider-Dan » Logged

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« Reply #109 on: July 22, 2024, 05:22:05 pm »

The Democratic campaign's choices about ad curation do not control what coverage the media chooses to focus on.

While the candidates don't control the media, the candidates definitely can influence it.


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Uber Member
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« Reply #110 on: July 22, 2024, 05:59:45 pm »

Thank you for proving my point: the media shouldn't attack Trump because Republicans will ignore them, but they SHOULD attack Biden because Democrats will definitely capitulate.  And what is the result of this dynamic?  The media relentlessly attacks Biden but ignores Trump when both candidates have the same problem (as you put it).

And to answer your "For what purpose?" question: the media is supposed to be reporting the news, not playing a game of "Which candidate can we force out?"  If Biden's mental fitness merits 200 articles of coverage in one week, Trump's mental fitness should merit the same, regardless of whether Republicans will ignore it or not.
I think you might be ignoring the fact that it's possible that all of this will bring a candidate to the Democratic party who's better equipped to beat Trump in November. I'm not certain about that, there's a lot of things that can happen still. I would have preferred that none of this occurred, meaning that Biden wouldn't have had a huge meltdown in the debate in the first place and shown signs of being unable to meet the demands of the job, but you seem to be very concerned that this will be what gets Trump elected and my feeling is sort of just the opposite that this might be what actually prevents Trump from being elected. It's possible that the reason the polls were as tight as they were was mainly because Biden wasn't as strong of a candidate as we would have liked him to be.

No, I don't want to set the precedent that if you don't like the candidate you try to get him removed, but I don't think that's the precedent that's being set here. The precedent being set is that if at some point a candidate is unable to continue, he should step aside and let the party have a chance to find someone else that gives their party the best chance to win in November.

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« Reply #111 on: July 22, 2024, 06:34:27 pm »

I don't think we need to be giving the Democratic Party all these platitudes about how moral and great they are for getting Biden to step down.  Biden was on a path to LOSE, and that's the only reason they were after him to step down.  If Biden were 10 points ahead in the polls he continues on.
Uber Member
Posts: 8393

« Reply #112 on: July 22, 2024, 07:08:16 pm »

I don't think we need to be giving the Democratic Party all these platitudes about how moral and great they are for getting Biden to step down.  Biden was on a path to LOSE, and that's the only reason they were after him to step down.  If Biden were 10 points ahead in the polls he continues on.
On the other hand maybe Biden would have been 10 points ahead in the polls if he's 10 years younger.

That which does not kill me...gives me XP.
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Bay Area Niner-Hater

« Reply #113 on: July 22, 2024, 07:12:09 pm »

I don't think we need to be giving the Democratic Party all these platitudes about how moral and great they are for getting Biden to step down.  Biden was on a path to LOSE, and that's the only reason they were after him to step down.  If Biden were 10 points ahead in the polls he continues on.
The backstabbers and arsonists need to praise Biden's noble decision for the good of the country as validation for their treachery.

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« Reply #114 on: July 22, 2024, 08:13:20 pm »

The backstabbers and arsonists need to praise Biden's noble decision for the good of the country as validation for their treachery.

Do you really believe this vitriol?  That leaders of the party did this as some sort of plot against Biden. That they were angry at Biden for something.  If so for what? 

This was the kids taking away dad's car keys as an act of love because they didn't think it was safe for him not to drive anymore not as revenge for being grounded when they were 17.


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Bay Area Niner-Hater

« Reply #115 on: July 22, 2024, 08:33:09 pm »

They were angry (or upset, or disappointed, whatever) at Biden for being down in the polls.
So they replaced him with someone they hope will do better in the polls.

Purely transactional.
The primary?  It didn't really even count, or something.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2024, 08:36:15 pm by Spider-Dan » Logged

Uber Member
Posts: 656

« Reply #116 on: July 22, 2024, 08:40:56 pm »

They were angry (or upset, or disappointed, whatever) at Biden for being down in the polls.
So they replaced him with someone they hope will do better in the polls.

Purely transactional.
The primary?  It didn't really even count, or something.

My aunt was county chair for the democrats for years,  I’m a lifelong democrat and only a few people made mad at this. Biden should have not sought a second term months ago, he was going to lose and you know it. No democrats are upset at this because we understand we have a chance now to win.

Harris raised 80m in small donations in 1 day, we are back in the game. We want to win.

No this is not fair but neither is life and we have a chance to seal the deal and put Trump behind us forever.
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« Reply #117 on: July 22, 2024, 08:56:18 pm »

They were angry (or upset, or disappointed, whatever) at Biden for being down in the polls.
So they replaced him with someone they hope will do better in the polls.

Purely transactional.
The primary?  It didn't really even count, or something.

What primary?  Biden ran unopposed. 

And it was Biden's choice to step aside.  He wasn't forced out.  He wasn't threatened with article 25. After multiple people he respected all gave him the same advice he made the choice.  But it was his choice.   

There are two rules for success:
 1. Never tell everything you know.
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Bay Area Niner-Hater

« Reply #118 on: July 22, 2024, 09:07:38 pm »

You're the third person in this thread to discount the outcome of the primary.  The 2028 primary is going to be... innovative, no matter what happens in November.

Biden voluntarily stepped down after a month of non-stop attacks from his "allies," amplified by the media, successfully drove down his poll numbers to the point where he determined it was no longer worth continuing.  And now the arsonists are cheering that Biden bravely recognized the fire had grown too large to put out.

Uber Member
Posts: 656

« Reply #119 on: July 22, 2024, 09:25:44 pm »

You're the third person in this thread to discount the outcome of the primary.  The 2028 primary is going to be... innovative, no matter what happens in November.

Biden voluntarily stepped down after a month of non-stop attacks from his "allies," amplified by the media, successfully drove down his poll numbers to the point where he determined it was no longer worth continuing.  And now the arsonists are cheering that Biden bravely recognized the fire had grown too large to put out.

The only thing that matters is defeating Donald Trump and even before that disaster of a debate he was behind in every metric.

The only thing that matters is beating Trump, that may not happen but Biden was not going to win. It’s not fair because Biden has been a great present the only thing that matters to the public is optics and Biden looked liked an Alzheimers patient to anyone who honestly watched that debate.
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