Looks like you have a number of foreign language films, do you find it tough to follow them while reading the translation? I'll watch one once in a while, but I have to pick a time when I won't be distracted, or I lose interest and just turn it off.
Yes, often. It's especially true when they are also old or they are rooted in a culture, tradition, meta understanding, or political climate with which I'm not familiar.
I unapologetically will read a Wiki page on an old foreign movie as I watch it, just so I can make sure I know what's going on. Sometimes, even with that, it's referencing some political conflict, through the lens of a country's specific cultural myths. That's tough, but a lot of these I treat more as homework, rather than something to enjoy.
Like, imagine you have no concept WW2 and then you tried to watch Inglorious Basterds. It wouldn't make any sense. Sometimes I deal with that.