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Author Topic: The various all-star celebrations  (Read 976 times)
Dave Gray
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26384964 davebgray@comcast.net davebgray floridadavegray
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« on: February 18, 2025, 10:00:00 am »

As I am getting much older now, I care less about these things.  And I didn't even really care all that much in my sports prime.

Do any of them have any relevance to any of you?  Is there any fixing any of it?

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« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2025, 01:12:57 pm »

I think what hockey is doing right now is pretty cool and the players are taking it seriously.
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« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2025, 02:21:43 pm »

I think what hockey is doing right now is pretty cool and the players are taking it seriously.

I am curious about teams ...is it based on county of birth or team they play for ... a Canadian who plays for Panthers or a US citizen that plays for the Maple Leafs....

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CF DolFan
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« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2025, 02:22:57 pm »

I think what hockey is doing right now is pretty cool and the players are taking it seriously.
Yes it was but it will be all for naught if they lose the Championship Thursday Night to Canada.  Hockey players are the last of the blue collar sports players. Most everyone else is more interested in not getting hurt than anything else.

Getting offended by something you see on the internet is like choosing to step in dog shite instead of walking around it.
CF DolFan
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« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2025, 02:24:12 pm »

I am curious about teams ...is it based on county of birth or team they play for ... a Canadian who plays for Panthers or a US citizen that plays for the Maple Leafs....
Country of origin. the Florida Panthers, as well as others, have players on both teams.

Getting offended by something you see on the internet is like choosing to step in dog shite instead of walking around it.
Dave Gray
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Posts: 30923

It's doo-doo, baby!

26384964 davebgray@comcast.net davebgray floridadavegray
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« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2025, 02:45:11 pm »

I don't know much about it but I saw that there were three fights in the first 8 seconds.  Not what you expect at an All-Star Game.

I drink your milkshake!
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« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2025, 03:57:06 pm »

 Hockey players are the last of the blue collar sports players.

They are also the most socialist.  The AHL pays better than MiLB, practice squad/Arena, or G-league.  The gap between the highest player and minimum salary is the smallest of the four sports.  This is because the top NHL players bargain on behalf of the bottom of the roster whereas in the other sports the players don't. 

Smaller pie but much more fairly distributed. 

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« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2025, 12:31:55 am »

Hockey is a joke of a sport.  How the hell do you have a "game" where players just start fighting right at the beginning and this is considered normal?  Three fights in the first nine seconds!  And it's not like this is something that doesn't already happen in hockey, as Richard Sherman pointed out.

I think we all know why open fighting is celebrated in hockey while being harshly punished in football and basketball, and it's not because of "blue collar sports" or any other color of collars.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2025, 12:35:39 am by Spider-Dan » Logged

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« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2025, 09:30:00 am »

Hockey is a joke of a sport.  How the hell do you have a "game" where players just start fighting right at the beginning and this is considered normal?  Three fights in the first nine seconds!  And it's not like this is something that doesn't already happen in hockey, as Richard Sherman pointed out.

I think we all know why open fighting is celebrated in hockey while being harshly punished in football and basketball, and it's not because of "blue collar sports" or any other color of collars.

Two reasons:

1.  Fans love a good fight

2.  Most NHL hockey players come from Canada or Europe where a good fist fight to settle a dispute is encouraged.   In some European countries, fist fighting is perfectly legal as long as no one gets seriously injured.
CF DolFan
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Posts: 17325

« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2025, 10:14:30 am »

They are also the most socialist.  The AHL pays better than MiLB, practice squad/Arena, or G-league.  The gap between the highest player and minimum salary is the smallest of the four sports.  This is because the top NHL players bargain on behalf of the bottom of the roster whereas in the other sports the players don't. 

Smaller pie but much more fairly distributed. 
Um  .. it sounds like they have free will to negotiate on behalf of their money. Socialism is forcing someone to hand over their money to someone else.  Just because they aren't a me, me, me, organization does not make it a victory for socialism. Hahaha

People in my church freely give away over a million dollars a year (not tithes) to charities but that doesn't make us socialist. It means they are freely willing to help others who need it. Obviously not everyone participates and that's fine too.


Getting offended by something you see on the internet is like choosing to step in dog shite instead of walking around it.
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