If you disagree with the law, then say that. I have yet to meet a single Zimmerman defender who has argued that the relevant laws themselves are immoral and should be changed.
And even if that is the case: to say that Zimmerman's actions were lawful evil is definitely not "approving" of them.
But that's not what y'all are doing.
OK, here's what I think actually happened that night:
-Martin was going to the store to get some Skittles. Like any teen, he was screwing around on the way there.
-Zimmerman saw Martin and like the racist POS he is known to be, started following him. Even after he called 911 and was advised not to.
-At some point, Martin confronted Zimmerman and asked why he was following him in an aggressive manner
-A physical altercation ensued from there. At some point, Martin got the upper hand on Zimmerman and out came the gun.
Again, I think Zimmerman is a scumbag. He was a known racist and was abusive to his now ex-wife. If he was losing the fight, he should've taken his beating like a man rather than pull out a gun.
But the question that remains unanswered is, who threw the first punch?