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Author Topic: Valentine's Day sucks  (Read 6647 times)
YJFF Member
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« on: February 13, 2006, 08:00:04 pm »

Is everyone all happy that you get to cuddle up with your little boyfriends or girlfriends and get to exchange stupid little gifts, on Valentine's Day??

This is by far the worst day on Planet Earth.  I can midly atture Christmas, Easter, Groundhog Day, and I can even handle Secretaries Day.  However, Valentine's Day is a shit day that I have to live through every year of my life.  Days like this, I wish I were dead, or had access to a 1984 DeLorean with a flux capacitor and 1.21 Jigawatts of nuclear reaction, so I can skip ahead to Feb. 15.

This stupid day was invented by wanna-be innovative businessmen, to help slumping sales after Christmas and New Year's have long been gone.  And now we're stuck with pink little hearts and stupid arrows going through them, all over the place.

All you gullable men in relationships - it's your fault.  I personally blame each and every one of you.  You fall for this shit, year in and year out, thinking you're going to be in good with the Ms., and furthermore, thinking that a dozen roses and 2 boxes of heart-shaped chocolates can erase any screw ups you may have had between now and Xmas (like not proposing to your girlfriend, not buying her the new car she wanted, etc..)

And you women piss me off, too.  It's not your birthday, it's not Xmas, and it sure as hell ain't your anniversary - so what the hell? How much money do you need to have spent on you before you're satisfied??  Are you women really that materialistic that you cannot be satisfied??  I mean shit.  Someone gave me a few Enteman's soft baked cookies the other day at work - that was AWESOME!!  That's all it takes!  Why do you want diamonds, dinner, dancing, and marriage proposals??

How many guys here even like Valentine's Day?  None.  Every guy here knows it's a pain in the ass chore to feed your female ego.  When do guys get St. Oral's day?  St. Missionary's Day??  St. LEAVE US THE HELL ALONE day??


Giants: '56 NFL Champs; Super Bowl XXI, XXV, XLII Champs
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2006, 08:31:29 pm »

Is everyone all happy that you get to cuddle up with your little boyfriends or girlfriends and get to exchange stupid little gifts, on Valentine's Day??

This is by far the worst day on Planet Earth.  I can midly atture Christmas, Easter, Groundhog Day, and I can even handle Secretaries Day.  However, Valentine's Day is a shit day that I have to live through every year of my life.  Days like this, I wish I were dead, or had access to a 1984 DeLorean with a flux capacitor and 1.21 Jigawatts of nuclear reaction, so I can skip ahead to Feb. 15.

This stupid day was invented by wanna-be innovative businessmen, to help slumping sales after Christmas and New Year's have long been gone.  And now we're stuck with pink little hearts and stupid arrows going through them, all over the place.

All you gullable men in relationships - it's your fault.  I personally blame each and every one of you.  You fall for this shit, year in and year out, thinking you're going to be in good with the Ms., and furthermore, thinking that a dozen roses and 2 boxes of heart-shaped chocolates can erase any screw ups you may have had between now and Xmas (like not proposing to your girlfriend, not buying her the new car she wanted, etc..)

And you women piss me off, too.  It's not your birthday, it's not Xmas, and it sure as hell ain't your anniversary - so what the hell? How much money do you need to have spent on you before you're satisfied??  Are you women really that materialistic that you cannot be satisfied??  I mean shit.  Someone gave me a few Enteman's soft baked cookies the other day at work - that was AWESOME!!  That's all it takes!  Why do you want diamonds, dinner, dancing, and marriage proposals??

How many guys here even like Valentine's Day?  None.  Every guy here knows it's a pain in the ass chore to feed your female ego.  When do guys get St. Oral's day?  St. Missionary's Day??  St. LEAVE US THE HELL ALONE day??


and this dear friends is why Jtex is single, well atleast the most outstanding reason.
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« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2006, 08:40:01 pm »

When do guys get St. Oral's day?  St. Missionary's Day??  St. LEAVE US THE HELL ALONE day??

St. Oral's Day? On Feb. 14, that comes (pun intended) twice.
St. Missionary's day? On Feb 14, that comes (once again, pun intended) at LEAST twice.
St. LEAVE US THE HELL ALONE DAY? Sundays during football season, PLUS the day or two every week that I get for that.

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« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2006, 10:00:55 pm »

and this dear friends is why Jtex is single, well atleast the most outstanding reason.

I'm sure he's spent a lot of lonely nights with righty and lefty. 
Brian Fein
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« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2006, 11:13:54 pm »

isn't this the exact same rant you posted 1 year ago today?
Dave Gray
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« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2006, 11:38:44 pm »

Although I am in a happy relationship, I too think that V-day blows.  It's contrived.  I do nice things for my girlfriend all the time, because I like to -- not because I feel pressure from some made up day.  So, I boycott.

In my relationship, we've reversed the tradition.  She does nice things for me, instead.

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« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2006, 11:44:40 pm »

I know a lot of single women who hate ths day too. They are made to feel as if they are losers because they don't have a man buying them ridiculous amounts of candy/flowers/jewelry, in order to get a bj and some pussy.
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« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2006, 11:45:59 pm »

Also if I wanted to throw away a bunch of money in the effort to get laid, I would be married.
YJFF Member
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« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2006, 11:54:06 pm »

It's funny, I predicted in my mind the exact replies to this.  I thought it would be Buddhagirl to post "this is why jtex is single".

First off, you don't even know if I'm single or not, do you?  Luckily, you guessed correctly.

Second, why is hating Valentine's Day "the most outstanding reason" for not having a girlfriend?  This is what you have to do to have a girlfriend now a days - buy into this man-made shit fest of a holiday, follow everything blindly, and not be an original person with original thoughts, feelings, and likes / dislikes?

It's funny how people "bridge the gap" in their minds and fill in the blanks of the unknown in their own way.  For as much heat i take on here for talking shit, you people sure take some gigantic leaps of faith in your minds from time to time.

I don't have a girlfriend because:

1. I'm too busy
2. I don't make myself available (I don't go out to clubs or other "meet singles" places)
3. I hang out at reclusive, selfish establishments where I choose career / opportunity over relationship / family (dimly lit bowling centers and smoke-filled poker rooms)
4. I don't conform to normal / mainstream ideals, beliefs, values on a lot of shit.

That's just the way it is, fellas.  That's who I am, and how I waste my days on Planet Earth.  Last I checked, it's my option to do just that.  So far, I haven't met a girl / woman to be involved in a serious relationship with, and to be honest, I don't know if I ever want to.  The more time passes by, the more I see what everyone else goes through, and while they say they "Love" their mate, it's more of a life-changing hassle then anything, based upon the answers and commentary of which I constantly hear of.  You have to be accounted for at all times by your mate, you have to live each other's life, and you can't take a piss without letting each other know.  No spontaneousness, no individualism, no creativity.  It seems as if you become part of a Borg-like collective that is oddly disconnected from the world, sleepwalking though your existance.

Can I be proven wrong and changed my mind?  Hell yes I can.  But since that hasn't happened yet, let's let it all out, before "my distinctiveness is added" (Star Trek reference).
« Last Edit: February 13, 2006, 11:55:55 pm by jtex316 » Logged

Giants: '56 NFL Champs; Super Bowl XXI, XXV, XLII Champs
YJFF Member
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« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2006, 12:20:11 am »

I thought it would be Buddhagirl to post "this is why jtex is single".

Nope.  Nothing from me.  Why?  Because I don't care.

And, if you think a relationship is all that you've mentioned, then you're going out with the wrong women. 

My guy and I aren't attached at the hip. I don't care where he is. I don't check up on him, etc.  Find a confident chick with her own shit going and you won't have to deal with that.

As far as the VDay thing, Buddhaboy and I decided not to do anything.  We're saving for a place together and think that's more important.  Plus, he hooks it up year around.  He does great things for me for no reason. Randomly brings me flowers, sends me cards, etc. 

That means a lot more than him running out and buying me some cards or something like that.

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alk3hol alk3hol
« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2006, 01:50:25 am »

Maybe the Star Trek references have something to do with you not having a girlfriend.  Wink

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« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2006, 02:17:36 am »

Also if I wanted to throw away a bunch of money in the effort to get laid, I would be married.
Yeah, I agree with ya - get rid of the middle man and just pay the lady directly!   Tongue

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« Reply #12 on: February 14, 2006, 02:19:26 am »

Maybe the Star Trek references have something to do with you not having a girlfriend.  Wink

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« Reply #13 on: February 14, 2006, 08:39:10 am »

8:25 Valentines day. At work. Already got into it with 4 women about this ridiculous "occassion".  What a treat. They all think its a man's duty to buy them something and i told them "if i had a girl she would get lovin' 365 days a year, why the hell is this BS day any different then the others." You can't change these chicks minds. They all think they are owed something cause they are the ones with the beavers.

Nice post J.

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YJFF Member
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« Reply #14 on: February 14, 2006, 09:00:10 am »

Thanks Bronco, I knew at least you would understand, if no-one else.

Giants: '56 NFL Champs; Super Bowl XXI, XXV, XLII Champs
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