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Author Topic: Top ten Sci fi films that were never made  (Read 2639 times)
YJFF Member
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« on: February 16, 2006, 03:33:12 pm »

Pretty interesting entries.


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YJFF Member
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« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2006, 03:53:35 pm »

Great read!

Best line from the article: "A year and thirty fucking screenplays later (including this rejected script by William Gibson) they came up with the movie that killed the franchise, squatted over the face of the corpse and farted."


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« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2006, 04:12:59 pm »

Good stuff! 

Since I love sci-fi, I agree with this dude on so many levels.  But I don't see it getting any better anytime soon either.  Hollywood is all about the almighty "$" that scripts and storylines go to SH*T  every year in order to make a freakin' film PG-13.   But dude is right with the Cubs reference,  as long as we keep going to watch,  they'll keep making turds. 

Doom  -  would have been much better directed by Verhoeven. (loved Starship)
Star Wars prequels -  no comment 
Alien 3  -  original script would have been nice.
Matrix sequels - never really had a problem,  but 1st one was the best
and Starcraft -  an incredible story that will go untold,  but that's a good thing if it's going to wind up like every other game to movie films.
Dave Gray
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« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2006, 04:46:36 pm »

Good read.  A few thoughts:

Alien 3: I don't really remember this film all that much.  However, I love Fincher, and know that he was pissed that the studio screwed up his project.

Star Wars Prequels:  I think these could've been done properly, but Lucas needed a younger person with some ballsy ideas and a good pimp hand.  Having all of the characters from the old movies was a huge mistake.  These should have focused on the minor characters of the Original trilogy to make the Universe larger:  Tarkin, Ackbar, Mon Mothma, etc.  It was insulting the think that Darth Vader made C-3P0.  It took the magic out of the whole thing.

Doom:  I haven't yet seen this movie, but I loved Starship Troopers.  For a "B" movie, it excelled with violence, and intentional satirical cheese.  I was hoping Doom would be much the same.

The Matrix:  I thought that original Matrix stood alone and didn't need sequels.  Those 2nd and 3rd films complicated the whole thing, and brought us out of the Matrix.  Crap.

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