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Author Topic: Seahawks,Vikings tit for tat  (Read 2564 times)
« on: March 25, 2006, 11:01:28 am »

I love the 3rd grade tit for tat between these two teams in the Steve Hutchinson contract the Vikings wrote he had to be the highest paid O-lineman on the team.If not his whole 7 yr 49 million dollar Contract is Guaranteed.Well the Seahawks have Walter Jones(I think he has this written in his conttact) So they couldn't match the Vikings offer..Steve Hutchinson goes to the Vikings...

Seattle offered Nate Burlson the same money they offered Steve Hutchinson...7yr 49 million,16 million signing bonus.with the Clause,if he plays 5 games in the state of Minnisota this year...The whole contract is Guaranteed....

I just thought it was kind of funny..

(I heard this on sportscenter lastnight...)
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2006, 11:36:50 am »

Whoops...He didn't get the same contract as Hutchinson...
Burlson only got 5.25 million guaranteed...
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« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2006, 11:44:36 am »

Burleson's contract with Seattle is esentially a 4 year - $14 million deal, which still seems a bit high to me.  If Minnesota matches it would be a guaranteed 7 yr - $49 million deal for them.

It's frickin' brilliant....

Of course, this isn't really valid in free agency, but if you think of it in terms of Seattle sending potential HOFer Hutchinson AND a 3rd round pick to Minnesota for Burleson.... then it doesn't look so good.

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