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Author Topic: Report: Culpepper Out for Year  (Read 16411 times)
Uber Member
Posts: 10137

« on: April 12, 2006, 02:35:08 pm »

ProFootballTalk.com hears QB Daunte Culpepper may miss most of 2006.
Rehabbing from knee surgery after tearing his ACL, PCL, and MCL last season, Culpepper initially felt he'd be ready for the start of the upcoming campaign. However, there have been recent reports he won't be able to play at all this year. The Dolphins have pursued Joey Harrington and Tommy Maddox as insurance policies and currently have only Cleo Lemon and Brock Berlin, who's in NFL Europe, on the active roster. Apr. 12 - 12:25 pm et
Source: ProFootballTalk.com

This would tank our season completely. The only bright spot would be having another year for the rookies to develop and we were get a better draft pick.
Uber Member
Posts: 6666

America's team

« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2006, 02:52:44 pm »

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHA. ...oh man this is epic... Cheesy

Bronco: An unbroken or imperfectly broken range horse of western No. America
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« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2006, 03:00:26 pm »

Edge please tell me that you do not take that site seriously. That site is such bullshit that you need a pair of rubber boots just to look at it.
Uber Member
Posts: 4624

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« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2006, 03:30:25 pm »

yeah i cant stand that site.....its pure lies, they're never right on anything
Brian Fein
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« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2006, 03:54:19 pm »

Edge, thanks for the post, but as others have said, PFT always takes every report one step further (and often blatantly makes stuff up just to drum up traffic).

This is the same site that reported that the Dolphins were changing their team logo to match that of the stadium.

Roll Eyes

Culpepper mentioned yesterday that he may not be ready for week 1, but no where reputable has it mentioned that he's "out for the season" (which hasn't even started yet, by the way)
« Last Edit: April 12, 2006, 03:56:44 pm by Brian Fein » Logged
Uber Member
Posts: 7545

4866.5 miles from Dolphin Stadium

« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2006, 03:58:23 pm »

I've said this all along and I've seen both Culpepper and his agent quoted as saying as much. Leading up to the trade, though, the rhetoric coming out of the Culpepper camp was remarkably more upbeat (as it has been since then).

FWIW, though I have my doubts that Culpepper will be ready for week 1, I now think he's going to be fine this season. The reason for my flip-flop (and the sole reason) is a comment to that effect from Will Carrol, injury analyst at footballoutsiders.com. I've pimped the site before (not quite as often as Tommy has professed his love of all things Bob Flanders, but more than once) and not without reason. Carrol had the best injury analysis of anything available (that I saw) last season, was repeatedly right on the money (even when all public comments from the team or player in question were way off). That he's won awards as a baseball columnist lends further credibility to his name, although not stricktly relevant.
Brian Fein
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Posts: 28297


« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2006, 04:00:58 pm »

fyo, I'm curious to know what Will Carrol had to say about Brees... ?
Uber Member
Posts: 7545

4866.5 miles from Dolphin Stadium

« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2006, 04:22:26 pm »

fyo, I'm curious to know what Will Carrol had to say about Brees... ?
I asked in a private email what he thought of Culpepper and Brees, respectively and he said that "Culpepper should be ok" and that (I'll paraphrase, the original was more strongly worded) "Brees is already throwing and even a team like the Saints had to know he was ok before signing him".

He also added: "Odds on returning to "elite" status? Culpepper - 60%, Brees - 80%".

He hasn't done an offseason injury article, but said (same email) that he might do so around the time of the draft.
Brian Fein
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Posts: 28297


« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2006, 05:01:56 pm »

awesome.  thanks! Wink
Uber Member
Posts: 7545

4866.5 miles from Dolphin Stadium

« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2006, 05:41:03 pm »

I should note that the email from Carroll was from two weeks ago. I.e. before the most recent Culpepper rumors.
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2006, 06:52:37 pm »

Edge.  PFT is not a credible site for football facts.  I don't believe this for a second.
Uber Member
Posts: 10137

« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2006, 08:49:50 pm »

I would be very happy if this turns out to be false, but just reading it instills a fear into you that cannot be undone until I see Daunte in a game. Preferably this year.
Brian Fein
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Posts: 28297


« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2006, 10:45:04 pm »

I would be very happy if this turns out to be false, but just reading it instills a fear into you that cannot be undone until I see Daunte in a game. Preferably this year.
Saban has said to the media that he was on the field taking snaps and doing drops weeks ago.  If he doesn't play this season, he's the slowest rehabber ever.
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Posts: 178

S'up Bitches??

« Reply #13 on: April 13, 2006, 05:05:02 am »

I dont buy this one to be honest.

Over here (as im sure you know) the main sport is soccer. And Knee Ligament tears/strains/breaks are more common than they would be in the NFL, given the studded/blades footwear thats worn during play, which plant standing feet in the grass during tackles - therefore all pressure is released on the knee causing more frequent injuries like this.

Now, in Soccer if you're the kind of player that relies on pace (like a striker/winger) your future play will be hampered because of this injury like an ACL/MCL Tear - you will be slightly slower and less agile, and "lose a yard of pace" as they say.

If Culpepper was a Tailback, he could kiss his career Goodbye, but that fact that he relies on his arm more than his pace is a positive. But again, if he never recovers from this injury psychologically, he'll be half the player he was.

"Even in the dressing room afterwards, I had no remorse. My attitude was, fuck him. What goes around comes around. He got his just rewards. He fucked me over, and my attitude is an eye for an eye."

Roy Keane - Manchester United
Talking about Alf Inge Haaland tackle, Observer Monthly Magazine
« Reply #14 on: April 13, 2006, 07:47:39 am »

If Culpepper was a Tailback, he could kiss his career Goodbye, but that fact that he relies on his arm more than his pace is a positive. But again, if he never recovers from this injury psychologically, he'll be half the player he was.

Half of Culpepper is still better than any QB we've had since Marino. 
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