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S'up Bitches??
« on: April 20, 2006, 04:23:34 am » |
I just read this article on the Sun-Sentinel page, questioning how much Scouts ACTUALLY know prior to the draft.
The opinion of Dave Hyde is that the draft involves an element of luck along with information obtained from scouts.
I just seem to think of Great players like JT, and Zach along with potentials like Channing Crowder who were not round 1 picks (unless i've got my facts wrong), i certainly take his opinion into account.
Analysis aside, luck also behind success
Published April 20, 2006
First of all, the Colts' coaching staff wanted to draft Dan Marino. Can you believe that? Their head coach, Frank Kush, had coached Marino at the Senior Bowl before the 1983 draft and fell in love with his arm, his mind, the complete gunslinger package.
So when John Elway kept telling the Colts he wouldn't sign with them, no matter what, Kush went to Colts owner Robert Irsay with a simple plea: Forget Elway. Let's pick Marino with our No. 1 overall pick.
Irsay shot back a simple warning. Colts assistant Mike Westhoff remembers it sounding like this to Kush: "If you pick Marino, you're fired."
"I guess that decided that," Marino said Wednesday.
The time has come, once again, to say why no one talking about the NFL Draft really has any idea what they're talking about. It's an annual column, one of life's constants through the years, like watching Bob Barker on The Price Is Right.
Oh, teams have become more sophisticated in examining players since Marino's draft, because more money is involved. And the people talking in the media about who's stock is rising, and falling, come armed with statistics, indexes, charts, interviews and film breakdown of combine workouts that makes for interesting viewing and reading.
But right up there with Newton's Law, Pythagoras' Theorem and Beethoven's Fifth comes this sports principle: The louder someone talks about the NFL Draft, the less they understand it.
In a year where ranking three quarterbacks is the story, there's a timeless rock-paper-scissors game of luck involved. It's there in deciding who will survive among recent high picks: Alex Smith, Joey Harrington and David Carr. It was there with the top three picks from 1999: Tim Couch, Donovan McNabb and Akili Smith.
It was there when you sit back and listen to the story of the greatest quarterback draft the NFL has ever seen. After the Colts, Kansas City was the next team needing a quarterback. It picked seventh. Its coach, John Mackovic, flew in to Pittsburgh three days before the draft and told Marino that Kansas City would either take him or Penn State quarterback Todd Blackledge.
"He put me through a workout, throwing the ball," Marino said. "Then he went to Penn State and met with Todd."
The Chiefs took Blackledge. What, his five-step drop scored higher?
"I don't want to say anything, because Todd and I are good friends," Marino said.
Buffalo took Jim Kelly, which worked out fine for them. New England took Tony Eason, which didn't. Marino's hometown Steelers took a nose tackle, Gabriel Rivera, and for years Steelers owner Dan Rooney would mutter something about his scouting department whenever he saw Marino.
Was it Marino's disappointing senior season? Was it worries about his knee? Was it his Wonderlic score?
For a while, Marino's Wonderlic number was back in the news again this winter, because Texas quarterback Vince Young reportedly scored a six on the test. Everyone agreed that was low. No one had any idea what it meant, though. Marino had a 13, after all, it was widely reported.
"I think it was 18," Marino said. He chuckles. "Come on, give me some credit."
Does it really matter? Did it ever matter? Marino was smart enough to throw better than anyone, smart enough to form a second career on national TV, smart enough in carrying himself so that years into retirement his name remains the gold standard in South Florida.
The New York Jets had the 24th pick. They had talked with Marino before the draft.
"About family, friends, stuff just to get to know you more," he said.
The Jets picked Ken O'Brien. "Who's that?" Don Shula asked his scouting department.
That left Marino for the Dolphins and a history lesson for everyone about every draft: Sometimes an owner gets in the way, sometimes a coach misreads the situation, sometimes a scouting department just goes another way and sometimes it's just plain, blind, dumb luck.
But if the people whose careers depend on drafting players have such little idea how they'll turn out, how can the people just talking, louder and ever louder, know so much more?